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Q: Does France have a confederation government?
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Does the confederation system have a strong central government?

No. The confederation created by Articles of Confederation was designed to have a weak central government and a strong state government.

What was the first plan of government called?

The first U.S. government was called "The Articles of Confederation"You might also be looking for unicameral government

Why did BC enter confederation?

the confederation promised a responsible government

Why were many Americans satisfied with the articles of confederation?

The Articles of Confederation created a weak Central government

The of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government?

The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government.

What document preceded the constitution as the framework for American government?

the articles of confederation

Why was the first central government called a confederation?

The first central government was called a confederation since all the states had their sovereignty. The states were then regulated by the Articles of Confederation.

What was the Americans first plan of government?

the first plan of government was the articles of confederation

What was one strength of the Articles of Confederation?

Government signed a treaty of alliance with France in 1778. Government successfully waged a war for independence against the British. Government negotiated an end to the American Revolution in the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783. Government granted the free inhabitants of each state "all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states." Government provided for the eventual admission of Canada into the Confederation.

What was one strength of the Article of confederation?

Government signed a treaty of alliance with France in 1778. Government successfully waged a war for independence against the British. Government negotiated an end to the American Revolution in the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783. Government granted the free inhabitants of each state "all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states." Government provided for the eventual admission of Canada into the Confederation.

How did the articles of confederation change the colonists minds about the government?

That the Confederation would not work and they had to form themselves into a Federal Government

What is one country whose government is currently a confederation?

Switzerland is a confederation