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Q: Does advertising serve a useful purpose in your society?
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Do beauty contest serve any purpose in society?

A beauty contest makes the winner feel like they have achieved something in life. The contest makes income, but the question is it useful for society is an opinion.

Do volcanoes serve a useful purpose?

No they just kill people.

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Functionalist perspective presumes that crimes occur in order to serve a purpose in society.

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Taboos are part of the cultural identity. Unity among a society is caused by cultural taboos. Thus, taboos and euphemisms serve a rather significant purpose in a society as it works like a buffer between generations.

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They create new landforms and mabye some useful minerals.

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because it is

Do volcanic erputions serve any useful purpose?

No Because Volcanic Eroutions Dont Servre any useful purposes because the are mostley underground

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A screw driver is used to screw, screws into wood it is a very useful tool.

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Occasionally, perhaps, but PowerPoint would serve no useful purpose in a medical office.

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A basketball reference serves the purpose of comparing basketball statistics. It is useful as a database that can be used for looking up a variety of statistics.

Do beauty contests Mr America Miss America etc serve any purpose in society?

No. Pointless.