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If a President wants to acquire land/territory he may do so personally. This is his civilian right under Article 14, Citizen's Rights.

If the US government wishes to acquire land/territory, congress has authority to arrange this under Section 8, Powers of Congress, which includes powers

  • To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
  • To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
If new territory has been acquired and it is desirable to designate this as a new state of America, this matter must be conducted in accordance with Article. IV. - The StatesSection 3 - New States"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

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No - not explicitly. This fact concerned Jefferson when the Louisiana Purchase came up for consideration.

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Q: Does the Constitution authorize the US government to purchase new territory?
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How did the purchase of the Louisiana Territory go against Jefferson's principles?

As an advocate of a small, decentralized government, his actions in making the Louisiana Purchase, and in one fell swoop, nearly tripling the size of the United States (and, some thought, its government, by association) mystified some and angered others. He got a good deal, there's no doubt about that, but many saw his move as a betrayal of the Jeffersonian libertarian ideals.

Why was the purchase of the Louisiana territory a difficult for president Jefferson to make?

President Jefferson believed that of it wasn't already in the Constitution then that power belonged to the states instead of the Federal Government. The ability to make the purchase wasn't in the Constitution but the deal needed to be completed quickly.

Which of thomas Jefferson constitutional principle did the Louisiana purchase go against?

The principle of limited federal government. More precisely the constitution does give the federal government the power to purchase new territory and clearly states that all powers not listed as belonging to Congress are reserved to the states.

Why was there debate around the Louisiana purchase?

There was. Jefferson himself had reservations because he knew the Constitution did not authorize the federal government to buy new territory . People worried about what new states might be formed from the new territory and what effect they might have on the union and whether they would allow slavery. The government had to borrow the money from European bankers and this was a concern. At this time the US already had more land than its people could settle and farm, so borrowing to buy even more was worthy of questioning.

Which of Thomas Jefferson's principles did the Louisiana purchase go against?

The principle of limited federal government. More precisely the constitution does give the federal government the power to purchase new territory and clearly states that all powers not listed as belonging to Congress are reserved to the states.

What was true about President Jefferson's decision to buy the Louisiana Territory?

He was unsure if the purchase was allowed by the constitution.

Which of Thomas Jefferson's constitutional principles did Louisiana purchase go against?

The principle of limited federal government. More precisely the constitution does give the federal government the power to purchase new territory and clearly states that all powers not listed as belonging to Congress are reserved to the states.

What was true about Jefferson decision to buy the Louisiana territory?

He was unsure if the purchase was allowed by the constitution.

What action by Thomas Jefferson did he say was an act to beyond the Constitution?

One action that Thomas Jefferson considered as going beyond the Constitution was his decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France. Although he believed that the purchase was necessary for the future expansion and development of the United States, he acknowledged that the Constitution did not explicitly grant the president the power to acquire new territory. However, Jefferson believed that the acquisition would benefit the nation and therefore justified the decision.

What risk did President Jefferson face in purchasing the Louisiana Territory?

The constitution does not specifially grant the president the power to purchase land. His opponents in congress might have used this against him at best to refuse to authorize payment at worse to try and impeach him. However the possibilities of so much land convinced them to go along.

What power granted to the president by the constitution made it legal to purchase the Louisiana territory in 1803?

thomas Jefferson

On what grounds would strict constructionists of the US Constitution have questioned the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

On the grounds that the president was not specifically given the power to purchase new lands is why the strict constructionists of the US constitution would have questioned the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. The purchase doubled the US land size at the time.