That is a legislative branch power by congress.
It is the Legislative Branch of government that makes the laws. The U.S. Congress, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, handles that chore in America.This branch of government is different from the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. Those two branches enforce and execute the law, and interpret the law, respectively.
After passage of laws, the secondary duty of the Legislative Branch is usually considered to be to "advice and consent" on the appointment of Executive and Judicial branch officials not otherwise elected. Impeachment of government officers is also considered to be a strong secondary duty of the Legislative branch.
The legislative branch was to create laws to improve American life, The executive branch was to enforce the laws, and the judicial branch was to judge whether a law was constitutional.
the difference is that the same isn't the same lol
to enforce laws.
The power of the executive branch is enforce the laws,the power of the legislative branch is to make laws, and the power of the judicial branch is to interpret the laws
Congress is a part of the Legislative Branch so its their job to make the laws.
Basically, the legislative branch is supposed to make the laws, the executive branch is supposed to enforce the laws, and the judicial branch is supposed to interpret the laws.
Legislative branch (make laws) Executive branch (president) Judicial branch (enforce laws)
Legislative branch (make laws) Executive branch (president) Judicial branch (enforce laws)
To enforce the laws passed by the Legislative Branch of government.
The power of the Executive branch is to enforce laws enacted by the Legislative branch.
The legislative or congressional branch is responsible for MAKING the laws. They write and pass legislation into law.
It is the duty of the Executive Branch of government to carry out and enforce the laws passed by the Legislative Branch.
It is the duty of the Executive Branch of government to carry out and enforce the laws passed by the Legislative Branch.
It is the duty of the Executive Branch of government to carry out and enforce the laws passed by the Legislative Branch.