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A Red Scare!
The playwrite Arthur Miller was one prime example of the American arts community who had to testify before McCarthy's Comittee.
The name of the communist alliance was known as the United Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR for short
JFK's Cold War foreign policy was called containment. The US did not attempt to overthrow existing communist governments but it did not want to allow any non-communist nations to be taken over by communism. The spread of communism was to be contained.
china is a communist state .it can also be called a socialist nation but also some sort of an authoritarian government with many restrictions on press , internet, reproductive rights etc. It can't be called a liberal democratic
A Red Scare!
Exculpatory evidence
They were called the Hollywood 10 and accused of being communist. I don't think you would find many people who can name them all. Sorry i couldn't help more
When a witness is compelled to appear in court to testify on behalf of the accused, it is known as a subpoena. The witness may be required to provide evidence under oath and failure to comply with a subpoena can result in consequences such as contempt of court.
The Bolshevik Party (later called the Communist Party) under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin established a "communist" government in Russia during World War 1. Strictly speaking, they established a socialist government, but they referred to it as a communist government.
During the communist Chinese Revolution in 1949, Westerners referred to the Communist Chinese as "RED CHINESE." A title that is in the US Dictionary; published in 1969. Communists during the cold war were often referred to as "Reds." During the Russian Bolshevik (Communist) Revolution of 1917, the communist RED Army defeated the Tzsars non-communist WHITE Army. "Better dead than Red" was a slogan in the United States during the 50's & 60's.
it was written in response to McCarthyism during which he was accusing artists of being communist or knowing them. Miller felt these events were parallel to the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts. Arthur Miller, the author of The Crucible, was alive during the Red Scare. This was a time period in which people were accused of being or being friends with communists. If you were thought to be a communist, you were "blacklisted" This meant that the government kept a close eye on you. Arthur Miller was blacklisted. We don't know if he was a communist or not, but we do know that many people who were accused were not. He was angry that he had become blacklisted, so he wrote The Crucible. If you don't know what the Crucible is about, it is about the Salem Witch trials. During this time, people were being called witches. Basically, he wrote the play to say "Look, it has been hundreds of years, and our country has not advanced. People are still doing the same things that they did during the colonial period."
The People's Republic of Viet Nam. (PAVN)
There was no laissez faire during the Communist Manifesto. All businesses were government operated.
The playwrite Arthur Miller was one prime example of the American arts community who had to testify before McCarthy's Comittee.
Being blamed for something you didn't do is called being falsely accused or wrongly accused.
The grand jury listens to all the evidence in a case against the accused and decides whether to charge the individual with the crime. This is called an indictment or an information.