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Q: Every country in the world has some type of foreign policy?
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Every country in the world has some type of foreign-policy?


Who established the foreign policy?

The question is unanswerable if the country whose foreign policy is being asked about is not specified. There are around 200 countries in the world.

What are the determinants of third world foreign policy?

What are the determinants of third world foreign policy?

What does the term foreign-policy refer to?

The country's plan for dealing with other countries and peoples of the world

A major feature of American foreign policy since World War 2?

A major feature of American foreign policy since World War II has been deterrence. The American foreign policy has been useful in helping the country build stronger relationships throughout the world with other countries throughout the years.

Define the concept foreign policy?

The country's plan for dealing with other countries and peoples of the world

Has there been a foreign policy since world war 1?

There is no "a" foreign policy. Every national political group - especially but not exclusively states - pursues it's own foreign policy. There has been countless stances of foreign policy before, during, and since World War One. You need to be more specific for a less general answer - say, inquiring about the foreign policy stance of the United States, or Russia, or some other nation.

How is it that American foreign policy objectives in the 1850s began to reflect the growing sectional divisions in the country?

The foreign policy of the United States is the policy for which the United States interacts with foreign nations and sets standards of interaction for its organizations, corporations and individual citizens. The U.S. is highly influential in the world.

What was US Foreign Policy world war 1?

The u.s policy during the first world war was policy of isolation

What is the significance of the constitution for the entire world?

The US is a major world power (probably the biggest) and effects on its governing will effect the world. The US's policies are affected by the constitution, parts of the constitution that relate to foreign policy will effect any countries that deal with the US (which is almost every country).

What is a similar word to 'foreign policy'?

diplomacy, diplomatic policy, diplomatics, foreign relations, international relations, world politics

How did the goals of U.S foreign policy in Europe compare to the goals of soviet foreign policy after world war 2?

The United States suffered few casualties and was the richest nation in the world. The Soviet Union suffered enormous loss of life and damage to its cities.