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Citing a study by the University of California at Santa Barbara (, the popular vote total was as follows: Barrack Obama/Joseph Biden (Democrat) 69,456,897 votes (52.9%) John McCain/Sarah Palin (Republican) 59,934,814 votes (45.7%)

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The electors cast their votes on Monday, December 17, and they are scheduled to be counted on January 6.

Based on the popular votes, 332 electors are expected to vote for Obama/Biden and 206 are expected to vote for Romney/Ryan.

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Obama won ^ ^ Beat the pants off of McCain

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50,456,002 to 50,999,897

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Q: Final popular vote count 2008 presidential election?
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The first act of the new Congress which convened on March 4 1789 was to count the that were cast in the presidential election?

counting the electoral votes that were cast in the presidential election

What are the number of electoral votes in Alaska?

Utah had 5 electoral votes for their 952,370 votes cast in the 2008 presidential election. These 5 electoral votes were cast for John McCain.Utah will increase to 6 electoral votes in the 2012 election.

When ObamaCare passed what was the final vote count?

The vote was 219-212 in the House of Representatives and 60-39 in the Senate.

How many Inaugurations have there been?

43 This answer is clearly wrong because Barack Obama's inauguration will be the 56th inauguration. We know that Presidents elected to a second term are inaugurated again. The question is how do you get to 56? Here is what I think is the math: 43 Presidents add 15 elected to a second term ( do not count Cleveland as he is in the above count and was the 22nd and 24th President) add another 2 2 because Roosevelt was elected to a third and fourth term subtract 5 Vice Presidents who became President but were never elected to the office of President 55 Total and Barack's inauguration will make 56. As of January 19, 2009, there have been 43 US Presidential inaugurations. When President Elect Barack Obama is sworn into office, on January 20, 2009, this will then have been the 44th US Presidential inauguration.

How long has California had 55 elctorial votes?

California had 45 electoral votes in the election of 1980. In the elections of 1992, 1996, and 2000, California had 54 electoral votes. In the election of 2004, the electoral vote count was raised to 55 (lots of people living there).

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The first act of the new Congress which convened on March 4 1789 was to count the that were cast in the presidential election?

counting the electoral votes that were cast in the presidential election

What as the actual Iowa Vote count for the Presidential election of Hillary and Trump in 2016 general election?

Donald Trump won Iowa's 6 electoral votes in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Donald Trump 800,983 and Hillary Clinton 653,669.

The 2000 presidential election finally ended with the exact vote count in which state?

The 2000 presidential election finally ended with the exact vote count in the state of Florida. The final margin of victory was extremely close, with George W. Bush winning the state by just 537 votes. This slim margin ultimately decided the outcome of the entire election.

Did Lyndon Johnson have the popular vote?

Lyndon Johnson won the 1964 presidential election defeating Barry Goldwater. In the 1964 presidential election the popular vote totals were Johnson 43,129,566 and Goldwater 27,178,188. The largest percentage of popular votes in a presidential election were won by Lyndon Johnson 61.05% in 1964, Franklin Roosevelt 60.80% in 1936, Richard Nixon 60.67% in 1972, and Warren Harding 60.32% in 1920.

Who won the presidential election for Alabama 2016?

Donald Trump won Alabama's 9 electoral votes in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Donald Trump 1,318,255 and Hillary Clinton 729,547.

President FDR won the popular vote by what count in the 1932 presidential election?

Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election defeating incumbent President Herbert Hoover. In the 1932 presidential election Franklin Roosevelt received 472 electoral votes (89%) and Herbert Hoover received 59 electoral votes (11%). The popular vote totals were Roosevelt 22,829,501 and Hoover 15,760,684. Socialist Party candidate Norman Thomas received 884,781 popular votes for President, but no electoral votes.

Who party won the final electoral vote count?

Republican Party candidate Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton received 227 electoral votes.

What is final popular vote in 2012?

The latest unofficial count is Obama 62,152,025 ; Romney 58,798,935.The final official count will not be available for several weeks.

What William won the presidential election of 1896?

7,035,638 was McKinley's share of the 1896 popular vote.

When do presidential electors cast their votes in their state capitals?

Presidential electors in the United States cast their votes on the Monday following the second Wednesday in December. This is typically done at their respective state capitals. The Electoral College then meets in January to officially count and certify these votes.

What was the popular vote for the presidential election of 1904?

1904 election popular vote count :Theodore Roosevelt (Rep) : 7,630,457 (56.4 %) Alton B. Parker (Dem ) : 5,083,880 (37.8 %)Eugene Debs (Socialist) 402,810 ( 3.0 %Silas C. Swallow (Prohibitionist 259,102 ( 1.9 %)Thomas Watson (Populist) 114.070 ( 0.8 %)Chas. Corregan (Socialist Labor) 33.454 ( 0.2%)

Where is your vote count more in the presidential governor or mayor?

Your vote "counts" more in a mayoral election because cities have fewer residents than the states in which they reside, and turnout for such elections is low compared to gubernatorial and presidential elections; because of the way the Electoral College works, however, if your state is expected to be close in support for one presidential candidate or the other, while your governor or mayor is popular enough to easily be re-elected, your vote may count more in a marginal sense.