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What countries made up the area known as the Barbary states

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Q: France lost control of Haiti in 1791 when African slaves revolted why did this event concern Americans?
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What African country under French control revolted in 1954?

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What did African Americans control after the US Civil War?

CHURCHES !! (31409)

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Slave stamps

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After the Civil War African-Americans controlled churches first.

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Even after the 15th Amendment many African Americans were kept from voting by intimidation. Whites used violence and fear of threats to control African Americans from new freedoms. Most African Americans were uneducated requiring honest assistance from people which left them victims sometimes to people who intended to control them.

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To defend African American people by using humor and self-control and not violence. To also express the despair of African Americans.

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To regain their control of land and labor, Southern planters turned to two systems that kept African Americans under their control.

How did planters regain control of the the land and labor in the south?

To regain their control of land and labor, Southern planters turned to two systems that kept African Americans under their control.