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Q: From what you have learned about the three branches of government the federal agency known as the cia or the central intelligence agency is most likely under which branch of government?
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Both the Missouri government and the federal government have 3 branches?

Yes, both the Missouri government and the US federal government have 3 branches. The branches are executive, legislative, and judicial.

What term describes a government that divides power between the central government and the states?

The federal government is the government that splits the power between the central government and states. There are three main branches of this government and they are the legislative, the judicial and the executive branch.

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Compare and contrast the three branches of the Arizona state government with the three branches of the federal government.

What word means having to do with central government of the US?

The central government of the US is the Federal government.

Having to do with the central government of the US?

Having to do with the central government of the U.S?

Do you have central or federal government?

central and federal are the same type of government but in some countries it is known by the name of "federal government"

What are the government branches?

The three branches of the federal/national government of the US are executive, legislative, judicial.

. Which branches of the federal government can be influenced by lobbyists?

All three branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists

What branches of the federal government can be influence by lobbyists?

All three branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists.

Which branches of the federal government can be influenced lobbyists?

All three branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists

How many branches is the federal government broken into?

It is broken into 3 branches

What are the three branches in Illinois government?

Same as the federal government.