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It doesn't appear to have passed, no. In fact, it looks like it died a swift death.

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Q: Has Bill C-428 passed 2nd reading in House of Commons?
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What does the clerk do at a first reading of a bill?

At the first reading of a bill, the Clerk reads the bill, then gives it to the Speaker of the House. He then stands up and tells the House what the title of the bill is.

What laws have been passed in Canada?

How A Bill Becomes Law in Canada To create a new law, also called an act or a statute, the government first introduces a bill which must pass through various stages in both the House of Commons and the Senate in order to become law. What is a bill? A bill is a proposed law that is introduced in either the House of Commons or the Senate. Most bills are introduced in the House of Commons. Bills can amend or repeal existing law or can contain completely new law. There are two kinds of bills: public and private. Public bills relate to public policy and may be sponsored by a Minister (Government bill) or by a private Member (Members' bill). Private bills benefit a particular individual or group. What stages must a bill pass in order to become law? In the First House: The first House can be either the House of Commons or the Senate and is always the House in which the bill was introduced. If the first House is the House of Commons then the second House is the Senate and vice versa. A bill must pass through all the following stages, regardless of the House in which it was introduced, in order to become law. 1st Reading: This is a formality whereby the bill is introduced to the House. The bill is then printed in its 1st reading form, often with explanatory notes. 2nd Reading: The main principle and purpose of the bill is debated. If passed, the bill is then referred to a committee for further study. In some instances, a bill may be referred to committee prior to receiving second reading. Bills are not re-printed at 2nd reading. Committee: Committee members study the bill clause by clause. The committee may make amendments. Report Stage: The committee presents its report, which may recommend that the bill be accepted in its 1st reading state, or with amendments, or that it not be proceeded with further. During report stage debate, members can propose further amendments to the bill. 3rd Reading: The House reviews the bill in its final form and then orders the printing of the 3rd reading bill. The 3rd reading copy includes any amendments made to the bill thus far. In the Second House: Once a bill has passed the 3rd reading stage in the first House, the bill goes to the second House where it must pass through the same stages. The Senate may amend, delay or refuse to pass bills, although traditionally the Senate passes most bills. Any amendments made by the second House however, must be agreed to by the first House or the bill does not become law. Royal Assent Royal Assent completes the enactment process. Bills may be given Royal Assent in two ways: by the Governor General or her deputy in a formal ceremony that takes place in the Senate before an assembly of both houses, or by written declaration. "Where royal assent is signified by written declaration, the Act is deemed to be assented to on the day on which the two Houses of Parliament have been notified of the declaration" (Royal Assent Act, S.C. 2002, c.15, s.5). When a bill receives Royal Assent it is given a chapter number for the Statutes of Canada. When does an act come into force? An act comes into force on the date of Royal Assent, unless the Act itself states that it comes into force on some other day. Different sections of an act can come into force on different days. An exact date may be specified or a "commencement" section may state that the Act, or certain sections of the Act, will come into force "by order of the Governor in Council". This means an order in council is required to fix the date that the Act or sections of the Act come into force. These orders in council are often referred to as proclamations. The House of Commons and Senate do not have to be sitting in order for an order in council to be issued to proclaim an act or sections of an act into force. What happens if a bill is not passed? Not all bills become law. A bill "dies on the order paper" if it does not pass through all of the stages described above during a session of Parliament. A bill that has died on the order paper can, however, be reintroduced as a new bill, with a new bill number, in the next session of Parliament. __________________________________

What happens to a bill that is voted down by the senate?

For a bill to become law it must be passed by both houses of Congress, so when the Senate passes a bill, the same bill must also go to the House of Representatives, or if the House has passed a similar bill, the two bills must be reconciled by a joint committee to produce a single bill that both houses can pass. Then when both houses have passed the same bill, the bill goes to the President for his signature. The President may or may not sign the bill, and if he doesn't, Congress can over-ride the veto if they have enough votes. Otherwise the bill dies.

What does the speaker of the house do to a proposed bill?

The speaker of the house can announce a proposed bill to a committee made up of government officials. The bill can then be voted on to see if it should be passed.

Can a bill ever become a law without the president approvalhow?

Yes it can. A law needs to be proposed by the House of Commons, then read by the House of Senate. After that happens the governor General gives the royal assent that the bill can become a law.

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Do laws have to be passed through the House of Lords and the House of Commons or just one?

Laws in the UK are made in the Houses of Parliament. A draft law, known as a Bill, can be introduced by any Member of Parliament, A Bill introduced by a Government Minister is known as a Government bill. A Bill introduced by another member is known as a Private Member's Bill. The first time that a Bill is announced (usually in the House of Commons) is called the First Reading and is usually a formality. The Bill then goes to its Second Reading, which usually happens two weeks later, where MPs get a chance to debate and discuss the general principles of the Bill. They will then vote to decide whether the Bill is one that Parliament should discuss further or simply reject. If the Bill moves to the next stage it goes to a committee, who examine the Bill in detail and suggest changes, which are called amendments. The committee reports back to the House to give all MPs the chance to suggest further amendments to the Bill. This is called the Report Stage. At the Third Reading MPs in the House of Commons debate whether or not to pass the Bill with the new amendments. At this stage the House of Commons cannot make any more amendments. Once the House of Commons has agreed on it, the Bill is passed to the House of Lords, in order to get a "second opinion". If the Lords agree with the House of Commons the Bill is passed to the Queen for "Royal Assent" and becomes a law. If they make amendments they send the Bill back to the Commons until both Houses agree. The Parliament Act 1911 and the Parliament Act 1949 have restricted the power of the House of Lords to reject bills passed by the House of Commons. If the House of Commons passes a public Bill in two successive sessions, and the House of Lords rejects it both times, the Commons may direct that the bill be presented to the Sovereign for his or her Assent, disregarding the rejection of the Bill in the House of Lords. It is only after the Queen has given her "Royal Assent" that the Bill finally becomes a fully-fledged law or Act of Parliament.

What are the name of the united kingdom's legislature?

THe legislature of the UK comprises two 'bodies'. The House of Commons, and the House of Lords. Potential laws are debated, and voted for in the House of Commons. If the bill is passed by the house, it's forwarded to the House of Lords for approval. Law can be passed back to the House of Commons for amendment - before ultimately being presented to Her Majesty the Queen for enactment.

How does a bill become a law in the United Kingdom?

If a Bill is passed by the House of Commons, it has to go on to be approved by the House of Lords. Only if it is passed by the Lords can it go on to become law. However, the Commons does have a 'nuclear option' called the Parliament Act, which it can invoke to override the Lords and make the Bill a Law anyway in exceptional or extreme circumstances. However, it is extremely rare for this to be used.

What has the author Wilfrid Arthur Greene Greene written?

Wilfrid Arthur Greene Greene has written: 'Government of India bill as passed by the House of Commons on third reading, 6th June, 1935' -- subject(s): Constitutional law

How does the Canadian federal government make new laws?

Most laws can be proposed in either the Senate or the House of Commons (though most Government bills are introduced in the House of Commons). Bills that appropriate funds or raise taxes, however, may only be introduced in the House of Commons (as per s. 53 of the Constitution Act, 1867). Once the bill has passed its second reading vote in its House of origin, it is referred to one of that House's legislative committees, which makes recommendations on the bill (if any) and reports it back to that House, which then votes on those recommendations, and then votes on the bill at its third reading stage. Once the bill has passed all of these stages, it is passed on to the other House to repeat the same stages there.If the second House makes amendments to the bill, then it must be again referred to the House of origin, which can adopt the amendments made by the other place, or insist on the original form of the bill and return it back to the second House. If the bill continues to be bounced between both Houses without agreement, members of the Senate and the House of Commons can designate managers to meet in conference to discuss a possible compromise version of the bill (this option is nearly never exercised).Once both Houses have agreed on an identical version of the bill, it is passed on to the Governor General for royal assent (for Her Majesty the Queen). This can be done by written declaration, read to both Houses of Parliament, or with a royal assent ceremony where Her Excellency grants royal assent from the throne in the Senate chamber.

What is the most recent bill passed in Canada by the Senate?

At the time of this posting, the most recent bill passed by the Senate of Canada is Bill S-211, the World Autism Awareness Day Act, which was passed by the agreement of senators, without objection, on 8 July 2010. The bill must now be debated by members of the House of Commons, when the Lower House resumes on 20 September.

Which is the more important house of the British Parliament?

Both the House of Commons and the House of Lords play important roles in the political system of the United Kingdom.The House of Commons is the actual seat of the Government of the United Kingdom and of elected Members of Parliament. They run the country and draw up new legislation and laws they think will benefit the people and the nation. This legislation is debated and voted on in the House of Commons before being passed to the House of Lords.The House of Lords is made up of Peers appointed by the Monarch. Their job is to debate legislation once the legislation has passed the vote in the House of Commons and then vote on it themselves. If it passes vote in the Lords the bill is made in to law once it has received Royal Ascension from the Monarch. If it fails to pass vote in the Lords it is passed back to the Commons to be re-worked.However under The Parliament Act 1911 & 1949 the House of Commons is able to pass legislation in to law without the approval of the Lords if the Parliament Act is cited by the Prime Minister and attached to the bill. This gives the House of Commons supremacy over the House of Lords. This is in-line with the idea of modern democracy by giving the elected House the most power.

What is the upper house of the legislature for Canada?

The upper house of the Canadian parliament is the Senate, whose members are appointed. The lower house is the House of Commons, whose members are elected.

How are laws made in an monarchy?

In the UK... laws are proposed by a Member of Parliament (MP). They're 'seconded' by another MP. The law is debated by the house of commons (and amended if necessary). It's then voted on, and the law is drafted into a bill. it's then passed to the House of Lords for debate. If they vote to accept the bill, it's sent to Buckingham Palace for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to grant its accession into law. if the House of Lords rejects it, it's passed back to the House of Commons for changes to be made, before re-assessment (and acceptance) by the House of Lords.

How are rules made in the government?

A rather basic answer is: In the House of Commons of the British Parliament, Members Of Parliament (politicians) can propose (bring in a bill) new laws or amendments to old laws. After debating in the House, a vote is taken. If there is a majority, it is passed onto the House of Lords for scrutiny. It may be passed back and forth for amendments between the houses during its passage. If all goes well, the bill becomes law.

What group controls the passage of a bill in the house of commons?

The standing committee.

Can the house of lords block laws made by the house of commons?

Theoretically, yes. But it can only send a bill back the House of Commons a set number of times and it must then accept it.