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Simon Bolivar was influenced by the American and French revolutions in that he desired the constitutional freedoms that were contained in the American and French documents to become part of the lives of the people of his nation.

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They dreamed of winning their own independence

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Q: Hiw was simon bolivar influenced by the american and french revolutions?
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How was Simon bolivar influenced by the American and french revolutions?

he began revolutions against spanish authority

How are enlightenment thought of the American and french revolutions reflected in Bolivars thinking?

Simon Bolivar's thinking was strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as liberty, equality, and democracy, which were also key principles of the American and French Revolutions. Bolivar sought to liberate Latin American countries from colonial rule and establish independent, republican governments based on these Enlightenment principles. He believed in the importance of popular sovereignty and the rights of individuals to govern themselves, reflecting the core tenets of Enlightenment thought that inspired both the American and French revolutions.

What event inspired Simón Bolívar to work for South American independence?

The American and French Revolutions inspired Simon Bolivar to work for South American independence.

Which revolution did Bolivar Admire?

Was called the boivarian revolution, which were in many different latin american countries over many years.

What revolutions inspired leaders such as bolivar?

The United States of America and French revolution

What directly influenced the struggles for political independence in Latin America during the early 1800's?

the american and french revolutions

How did the glorious revolution influence the American and french Revolution?

it influenced the revolutions in several ways. one way they were influenced was john Locke ideas on life liberty and property

Who did Enlightenment influence revolutions influence?

The Enlightenment influenced the American and French Revolutions through its ideas of liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty that inspired revolutionary movements in both countries. These revolutions in turn influenced other revolutions around the world, contributing to the spread of democratic ideas and challenging traditional systems of government.

What revolutions did the the enlightenment ideas influence?

The Enlightenment ideas influenced revolutions such as the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Latin American independence movements. These revolutions sought to overthrow oppressive monarchies, establish democratic governments, and promote principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

What was a significant impact of enlightenment?

A significant impact of the Enlightenment was the promotion of reason, science, and individual rights. It challenged traditional authority and led to the development of democratic principles that influenced revolutions, such as the American and French Revolutions.

How are the Enlightenment and the American and French revolution connected?

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that promoted ideas such as liberty, equality, and democracy, which influenced the American and French Revolutions. These revolutions were inspired by Enlightenment ideals of individual rights, religious freedom, and the rejection of absolute monarchy. Many of the key figures in the American and French Revolutions were influenced by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.

His concept and natural rights influenced the American and French Revolutions?

Jean Jacques Rousseau published them in "Of The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right" in 1762.