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Q: How are each states presidential electors chosen?
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The group people chosen by the voters to elect the president and the vice president of the united states?

They are "electors" and as a group they are the "electoral college." Voters in Presidential elections are actually selecting the electors who represent a given party or candidate. Under the US Contitution, voters in each state select Presidential Electors who meet in their State Capitals and vote on the Presidential slates. Together, these Electors constitute the Electoral College, although the College never meets all together in one place. Although Electors are usually pledged to vote for one slate or another, there is no constitutional requirement that they do so. Originally they were expected to vote as they thought best for their states and the country.

Can the legislature of the states decide how presidential electors may be chosen?

No, members of the electoral college are chosen by each state's political party. For example, in California, the Democrats and Republicans (and presumably other parties such as the Green and Libertarian Parties) would select 55 devoted party members to be electors. California (as most states) has a winner-take-all system, so if, say Sen. Barack Obama won the popular vote of California, the 55 chosen electors of the Democratic Party of CA would go to their state capitol, Sacramento, on the Monday after the second Wednesday of December to cast their votes. In the 2008 election, it will be Dec. 15. The electors cast separate ballots for President and VP. Under the US Constitution, electors may choose whoever they want, but 24 states have laws punishing faithless electors, or electors who chose a candidate other than their political party's for President. (If you check out, they have historical Presidential election maps, along with mentions of third party electoral vote wins and those "faithless electors

What is the district plan?

Proposal for choosing presidential electors by which two electors would be selected in each State according to the Statewide popular vote and the other electors would be selected separately in each of the State's congressional districts.

The number of presidential electors is the same number of what?

The number of electors for a state is determined by the state's representation in Washington. That is, each state has one elector for each senator and one elector for each representative. For example, Wyoming has two senators and one member of the House of Representatives. Therefore, Wyoming has three electors.

What do states use to award electoral votes?

Most states appoint their electors on a winner-take-all basis, based on the statewide popular vote on Election Day. Maine and Nebraska are the only two current exceptions. Maine and Nebraska distribute their electoral votes proportionally, with two at-large electors representing the statewide winning presidential and vice-presidential candidates and one elector each representing the winners from each of their Congressional districts.

Related questions

A State's presidential electors are chosen by?

The state presidential electors are chosen by the individual parties. Each state party organization has different rules how the electors are chosen.

Who are electors from each state chosen by?

The electors are chosen by the voters of each state in the presidential election. When people vote for president, they actually are choosing the electors supporting the candidates named on the ballot.

Who chooses the presidential electors from each state?

Each major party picks a slate of electors, and then on Election Day the voters select one of the two slates by choosing between the two serious candidates.

When are the electors of the electoral college chosen?

The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States.

How are electors chosen in each?

There is no set rule for the manner in which electors may be nominated or chosen.

How are electors chosen in each state?

There is no set rule for the manner in which electors may be nominated or chosen.

Since states began putting presidential candidates on the ballot electors have been chosen by what?

It is up to each state to decide how its electors are chosen. Currently, every state and the District of Columbia allow the voters to decide which candidates' electors will be appointed. 49 of the 51 governments use a winner-take-all system, where all of the state's electoral votes go to the Presidential candidate and the Vice Presidential candidate with the most popular votes. Maine and Nebraska each cast two votes for each office according to the state's popular vote, and each remaining electoral vote goes to the candidate with the highest popular vote in each congressional district.

How many electors are allowed in each state in the presidential election process?

Votes in the Electoral College are proportional to the states' populations.

Who choses the president and the vice president?

The citizens of the united states - but only indirectly. President and Vice President are chosen by Electors appointed by the States, in such manner as the Legislature of each state shall determine. In practice, since 1876 all the States have chosen their Electors by direct popular vote.

How many electors does the state of pa have?

Pennsylvania appointed 21 electors for each of the presidential elections of 2004 & 2008, they appoint 20 electors for each of the presidential elections of 2012, 2016 & 2020, and if the U.S. Census Bureau population projections for the year 2020 turn out to be accurate, they will be appointing 18 electors for each of the presidential elections of 2024 & 2028.

Who selects the Arizona electoral college?

The political parties in each state choose slates of potential Electors sometime before the general election. On Election Day, the voters in each state select their state's Electors by casting their ballots for President. The electoral college Electors in most states are selected by state party conventions or by the state party's central committee. In a few states the Electors are selected by primary election or by the party's presidential nominee. Political parties often choose Electors that are state elected officials, state party leaders, or people in the state who have a personal or political affiliation with their party's Presidential candidate. Democratic and Republican electors in Arizona in 2016 were chosen by the chairmen of state political parties.

The group people chosen by the voters to elect the president and the vice president of the united states?

They are "electors" and as a group they are the "electoral college." Voters in Presidential elections are actually selecting the electors who represent a given party or candidate. Under the US Contitution, voters in each state select Presidential Electors who meet in their State Capitals and vote on the Presidential slates. Together, these Electors constitute the Electoral College, although the College never meets all together in one place. Although Electors are usually pledged to vote for one slate or another, there is no constitutional requirement that they do so. Originally they were expected to vote as they thought best for their states and the country.