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The Congress reviews it and can either give a reprimandation, which is a harsh letter, or a censure, a public rebuke on the floor of the chamber, or they can expell the member from Congress. 3 Different ways depending on the severity of the disorderly behavior.

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Q: How are members of congress punished for disorderly behavior?
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Who can punish members of the house for disorderly behavior?

The House may refuse to seat a member elect by majority vote

Can a member of Congress be expelled?

No. Members of the Senate and House of Representatives are removed from office through a different process involving only the chamber of Congress in which they work. Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the US Constitution, a Senator or Representative may be expelled if there is a formal vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the Senate or House body who are present.Article I, Section 5, Clause 2"Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member."**The above is true when the member has not committed a crime. Members of Congress at any level (state or federal) can not be impeached, but if removed from Congress can be indicted for crimes like any other citizen.

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In order for a congressman to be expelled is that they have to commit an act that is considered impeachable. Some of these acts include accepting a bribe, committing treason, or committing a crime.

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Members of Congress can't be impeached, but they may be removed from office prior to the end of their term as explained in Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the US Constitution."Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member."A Member of Congress may be expelled from the Senate or from the House of Representatives if there is a formal vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the appropriate body who are present.

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Congress has a total of 433 members. There is currently, a total of 78 members of Congress that are minorities.

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how many members of congress owned slaves how many members of congress owned slaves

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members of congress

List two privileges of members of the United States congress?

they cannot be arrested when going to or from Congress, or while attending a session of Congress. A member cannot be sued or punished for anything s/he might say in Congress.

Who are members of the congress?

The members of Congress are Representatives (in the House of Representatives) and Senators (in the Senate).

What jobs are held by members of congress?

They're members of Congress.. that's their job.