You need to answer this question. We don’t do homework. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.
modern historians usually try to determine what stories are true and false depending on whether or not there are multiple stories. In the case of the Gospels in the catholic bible, the people who put the bible together decided what went in because of what each story said meaning all 4 Gospels are historically accurate because they pretty much tell the same story (save for a few details) P.s. this my first answer
The US Supreme Court, theoretically, as part of the system of the federal government's system of checks and balances. However, they have no way to enforce their claim of unconstitutionality, as exploited by Andrew Jackson. The Supreme Court has the right to check Congress by deciding if the laws it passes are Constitutional. The People are the ultimate check on Congress, through the vote.
Theater plays have been around for hundreds of years. Famous playwright William Shakespeare gained his claim to fame as an actor and writer during the 1500's.
Because it acknowledges that your claim is debatable
what powers do the colonies now claim to have as a result of declaring their indeppendence
By building an outline.
Check to see that it is supported by historical evidence.
A claim in an essay is the main argument or point that the writer is trying to make. It is typically presented in the thesis statement and serves as the central focus of the essay. The claim should be supported by evidence and reasoning throughout the essay to persuade the reader of its validity.
You can claim anyone you supported for more than half of the year AS LONG AS NO ONE ELSE CAN CLAIM THEM.
The authors claim is not supported by strong evidence
When the writer thinks of an idea him- or herself.
"Which pieces of evidence directly address the main argument or claim being made?" This question will guide the writer in selecting evidence that is relevant and supportive of the claim being presented.
Primary sources
It is both arguable and defensible.