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Well in The Bible it says (All have send and fallen short of the glory of God!) and why are you complaining about the speck in your brothers eye when you have a log in your on ) so you can try to say look what they did look what she did but think what have you done ? ;)

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Q: How can you admonish the sinners?
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What is the summary of story spider's thread?

One day, the Buddha was strolling along the brink of the lotus pond of Paradise. His eyes fell on a man named Kandata who was squirming with the other sinners in the bottom of hell. This Kandata had done so many evil things his lifeline but he had to his credit one good action. Once, while on his way through a deep forest, he had noticed a little spider creeping along beside the road. He was about to trample it to death when he suddenly changed his mind and spared the spider's life. Now, as he looked down into hell, the Buddha remembered this good deed and thought he would like to deliver Kandata out of hell. Looking around he saw a spider of Paradise spinning a beautiful silvery thread on the lotus leaves. The Buddha took up the spider's thread in his hand and let it straight down to the bottom of hell which held Kandata securely with the other sinners in the Pool of Blood on the floor of hell. On this day, Kandata lifted his head by chance and saw a silver spider's thread slipping down toward him from the high heavens. Kandata grasped the thread tightly in his two hands and began to climb up and up with all his might. After climbing for a while, he was finally exhausted and could not ascend an inch higher. He stopped to rest and looked below him. What he saw filled him with fear. For, below on the thread, countless sinners were climbing eagerly after him up and up, like a procession of ants. Kandata blinked his eyes at them with his big mouth hanging foolishly open in surprise and terror. How could that slender spider spider's thread which seemed as if it must break with him alone, ever support the weight of all those people? If it would break in mid air, even he himself would have to fall headlong back to Hell. So Kandata cried out in loud voice. "Hey, you sinners! This thread is mine. Who gave you permission to come up it? Get down! Get down!" At that moment, the spider's thread broke with a snap t the point where Kandata was hanging. Without even time to utter a cry, Kandata shot down and fell headlong into the darkness, spinning swiftly around and around like a top.

What is sheol?

In Judaism, Sheol is the world that people go to after death. In this afterlife, people are but mere 'shades' of their former selves and is thus commonly described as a shadowy underworld like Hades.

How did the great awakening affect the colonies?

The Great Awakening was a religious revival in the 1730s and 1740s. It was particularly influential in the New England colonies, and sparked renewed religious activity in America. Many preachers were involved, including George Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards, who preached the famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."Many of the branches of Christianity that were most affected by the Great Awakening (including Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians) were among those that most supported the American Revolution. Furthermore, the enthusiasm and dedication to religious ideals and the social and political ideology that often came with these contributed to the push for American nationalism and the activism that enabled it to occur.So, it not only changed the religious make-up of America and inspired people to turn to Jesus, but also it was one of the factors that influenced the American Revolution that occurred just decades later. All of my homies like pie.The main effect of the Great Awakening was the rebellion against authoritarian religious rule that spilled over into the other areas of colonial life.

Why were women originally excluded from voting?

women were excluded from the political process because they ruled that a single no vote would exclude her. women were stereotyped as house keepers and were considered as gatecrashers outside of their homes

What country were the pilgrims from?

The English Separatists (now known as the Pilgrims) sailed in the 180-ton merchant vessel Mayflower from the English port of Plymouth on September 16, 1620. Their point of departure was the Barbican area known as the Mayflower Steps.They arrived in the New World in November, 1620, anchoring in what is now known as Provincetown Harbour, Cape Cod on November 21. It is documented that they discovered an empty village, which they investigated, stealing stored grain and digging up graves.This didn't endear them to the local Native Americans and the Mayflower moved along the coast, generally pillaging native camps as they went. Thoroughly out of favour by now with the locals, the pilgrims loaded up with more of the natives' corn and sought their religious freedoms in places they hoped hadn't yet heard the news about them, ending up in Plymouth, where they settled in March 1621.

Related questions

What does admonish sinners mean?

To admonish sinners means to warn or counsel people who are engaging in sinful behavior, with the intention of guiding them towards recognizing and rectifying their actions. It is a way of advising individuals to change their ways and seek forgiveness for their wrongdoing.

What is the suffix of admonish?

The noun forms for the verb admonish are admonisher, admonition, and the gerund, admonishing.

What are antoyms for admonish?

An antonym for 'Admonish' might be 'Praise'.

What is the best definition of admonish in the seafarer?

Admonish is to reprimand someone.

How do you use admonish in a sentence?

Parents should admonish their children to do good deeds. The judge will admonish the jurors before the trial starts. The mother will admonish her children to eat a lot of vegetables.

What is the verb of admonition?

The verb form of "admonition" is "admonish." It means to admonish or reprimand someone, usually for their behavior or actions, in a strict or serious manner.

What is a sentence using the word admonish?

"I think you should admonish him for being rude during the meeting." "I finally had to admonish the children for running through the store and knocking things over." "Hearing the commotion, the abbot went out to admonish the monks."

What is the definition of the word admonish?

The word admonish means to firmly warn or reprimand someone or to urge or advise someone earnestly. Some synonyms for the word admonish are caution, advise, warn and reprimand.

What is the meaning of admonished?

of Admonish

What rhymes with admonish?


How many times is admonish in the bible?

The word "admonish" is in the King James Version of the Bible 3 times. It is in 3 verses.

Sentence with admonish?

It is not possible to professionally admonish an employee who hopes to be fired.The supervisor decided to quietly admonish the new staff member in private rather than issue an official warning for arriving late on her first day.