heres three he was born in beket Ma He lived to be 89 years old He was born in 1760
Let me guess, You are needing to know this answr for a history class at HCC? yes Joseph Plumb Martian was glory seeking and joined because his friends joined. Some wanted the clothes that were given and land that was given when you joined. Many did not want to join but were drafted into the war. The conditions were poor. The clothes that they were given at the beginning was it. The food was minimal, if at all. The mostly ate "firecakes" which were water and flour mixed and cooked over the fire until they were hard enough you could almost build a house out of them. there were few blankets and, as expected being outside all the time, the men had little friends: ticks, fleas, lice.
Captain Joseph Ashburn died on March 3, 1782. He was married to American flag maker Elizabeth (Betsy) Ross and closely related to the founders of Pennsylvania.
Joseph died because of the old mill prison
He died 1807.Also:Joseph Brant died in his house at the head of Lake Ontario on November 24, 1807.
George Washington
He said it was cold.
he had twin boys thomas and nathan susan was his daughter lucy clewly was his wife ebenezer martin was his dad and susannah plumb was his mother.
Joseph Plumb Martin lived to the age of 89, dying on May 2, 1850. He is buried with his wife in Sandy Point Maine.
Jean Joseph Martin died in 1910.
Martin-Joseph Mengal died in 1851.
Joseph Martin-Dauch died in 1801.
Joseph Martin Reichard died in 1872.
Joseph A. Martin died on 1928-10-17.
Joseph-Marie Martin died in 1976.
Martin Joseph Wade died in 1931.
Ivan Joseph Martin Osiier died in 1965.