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Q: How did President Taft and Wilson reflect Progressive ideals?
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The sedition act made it illegal to?

...say things in opposition to the views and ideals of the US government.

Who is the President turned down the offer to make him a king?

George Washington was the President. he turned down the offer to make him king because he knew that him being a king would be against the ideals of a republic or democracy.

Who were some important people during the Progressive era in the US?

The Progressive Movement in the United States was not started by one person or one group. The progressive ideas and ideals that were expressed in the early years of the 20th century go back to the ideas expressed by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. The Progressive Movement inherited ideas and reforms from such groups as the Mugwumps, the groups leading the Social Gospel movement, the women's movement which goes back to the 19th century, Populism, and even some socialistic ideas put forth in the late 19th century. Basically, the progressives saw ills in society at all levels of government--local, state, and national. They attempted to correct these evils and ills in various ways. The thing that made the Progressive Movement more successful than previous groups attempting reform was that the progressivies appealed to a wide variety of people and ideas. They included members of most political parties as well as the poor, middle, and upper classes of society. There were progressive businessmen, progressive politicians, and progressive individuals and groups. Another factor in the success of the movement was that there were three progressive presidents who pushed the ideals of the movement, and leading senators and representatives who helped create the public support for the movement's reforms. MrV

What successful president candidate conducted a return or back to normalcy campaign?

After a grueling World War I, while the rest of the world lay in shambles the United States had come out on top. Once a demigod amongst politicians, Woodrow Wilson, the president who had ideologically led the nation into and through the first global war, was scheduled for a humbling. His ideals were spurned and his popularity plummeted. Time was up for international ideals. In the elections of 1920, Warren G. Harding stepped up to the plate and announced that it was time for American to "return back to normalcy." This campaign appealed to those who had disliked US participation in the war and gave a sense of status-quo to war-weary veterans. As idealistic as Wilson had made the Great War to be, the American people were tired of it. This "return to normalcy" campaign paid off and Harding took office in 1921, beginning an era of massive economy growth.

What successful president candidate conducted a return back to normalcy campaign?

After a grueling World War I, while the rest of the world lay in shambles the United States had come out on top. Once a demigod amongst politicians, Woodrow Wilson, the president who had ideologically led the nation into and through the first global war, was scheduled for a humbling. His ideals were spurned and his popularity plummeted. Time was up for international ideals. In the elections of 1920, Warren G. Harding stepped up to the plate and announced that it was time for American to "return back to normalcy." This campaign appealed to those who had disliked US participation in the war and gave a sense of status-quo to war-weary veterans. As idealistic as Wilson had made the Great War to be, the American people were tired of it. This "return to normalcy" campaign paid off and Harding took office in 1921, beginning an era of massive economy growth.

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In general what did most Americans think about Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States. In general, most Americans believed in his ideals but wanted some changes made.

General what did most Americans think about Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States. In general, most Americans believed in his ideals but wanted some changes made.

What did the election of William G. Harding mean to Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

The election of Warren G. Harding meant a repudiation of Woodrow Wilson's ideals. Wilson's presidency was marked by progressive policies such as the League of Nations and domestic reforms, whereas Harding campaigned on a return to normalcy and a rejection of Wilson's internationalist approach. Harding's victory signaled a desire for a more conservative and isolationist stance, undermining the legacy of Wilson's ideas.

What did the election of William Harding mean to Woodrow Wilson ideals?

American's rejected Wilson's ideas

What did the election of William G Harding mean for Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

Americans rejected Wilson's ideals.

What did the election of William g. harding mean to Woodrow wilsons ideals?

Americans rejected Wilson's ideals

Why are progressive countries typified with countries in north America?

progressive ideals, basically freedom this side of "the pond", and the constitution of the U.S. was very progressive ideals which allowed people to naturally progress freely. Another good question is, why government tries to hold people back EVERYWHERE?

Was Woodrow Wilson a hopeless dreamer?

Woodrow Wilson was indeed an idealistic leader, known for his lofty ideals and ambitious visions for the world. However, labeling him as a "hopeless dreamer" may be too dismissive. Wilson's vision for a more just world order and his efforts to establish the League of Nations reflect his sincere belief in the power of international cooperation and diplomacy. While his goals were not fully realized, his ideals and advocacy for them had a lasting impact on global politics.

What did the election of William G Harding mean to Woodrow Wilson ideals?

American's rejected Wilson's ideas

What did the election of William G. Harding mean to Woodrow Wilson ideals?

American's rejected Wilson's ideas

What did the election of William g . Harding mean to Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

American's rejected Wilson's ideas

What did the elections of William g Harding mean to Woodrow Wilson's ideals?

American's rejected Wilson's ideas