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He was a Natural Born citizen, he was of age, and several other reasons.

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During a debate, he appeared friendly and even-tempered

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Q: How did Reagan assure people that he had enough experience to be President?
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When President Reagan was shot who took over as president?

Secretary of State Alexander Haig supposedly told reporters that he was in charge soon after Reagan as shot, but he had no real presidential authority. Reagan was not incapacitated long enough for anyone to be made acting president . George H. W. Bush was the vice-president and would have been the one to take Reagan's place if necessary.

Which American president had a mental illness when he was president?

No US president had any certifiable mental illnesses while they were President. Lincoln had bouts of what might be called depression, but he was not clinically depressed in any sense. Political enemies say that Reagan suffered from senile dementia. So Reagan then. The "demented" man who could have destroyed the world at any moment as he was crazy enough to press the button which could set off nuclear missiles.

Why are republicans so obsessed with former president Ronald Reagan?

Speaking as a Republican (who may become an ex-Republican if a viable third party emerges), Reagan was nearly the perfect US President. He made a few mistakes, but he had a vision for the country which many of us still believe in. He was known as the Great Communicator, and he was. I was not old enough to vote for him in 1980, but I was proud to vote for him in 1984. I doubt that I will live to see another US President to handle the office as ably as Ronald Reagan did. On the subject, why do Democrats love Kennedy so much? Since the above was written, this contributor has remembered that Ronald Reagan was a Democrat before he became a Republican. Also little known is that in the 1930's Reagan applied to become an American Communist but was turned down. I think we admire the idealism of Ronald Reagan, however short the reality may have fallen. Reagan believed in justice, small business, and the entrepreneurial spirit. That ideal has certainly been twisted by others, but we still believe it to be a worthwhile ideal.

Will they assassinate President Obama?

I hope not. But someone crazy enough might. You never know. Look at how close John Hinckley got to assassinating Ronald Reagan. There may also be a violent overthrow of Communist Party-led China!

How was Dwight Eisenhower chosen to be president?

The General was popularily elected on the Republican Ticket. Apart from his war background, he had no prevous experience in Politics but perhaps general of the Army was/is enough.

What qualifies me for a federal tax credit?

It depends on how much you make and paid in on. There are many things that can assure or not assure you from getting back any money. The best thing to do is make sure that you paid in enough on your taxes from your checks.

What kind of student was Ronald Reagan?

Reagan did well enough when he worked at his studies. In college he got average grades and did well in courses he liked. He had an excellent memory- he could always quickly and accurately learn his lines as an actor.

During the Reagan era how much food could each American farmer produce enough food to feed?


During the Reagan era each American farmer could produce enough food to feed how many people?


Why has a woman not yet been elected president of the US?

It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.It is a democracy. Not enough people have wanted a female president and voted for one. When enough people want it and the right candidate stands, then it will happen.

What is the BEST definition of sovereignty?

Under which theory of the origin of the state do the people grant a government enough power to assure their safety and well-being?

In harvest moon cute you got to the bottom of the second mine found the sword but couldn't get it because you didnt have enough experience?

Umm, I think you don't have any tools that have enough experience to upgrade to mystrile... You don't actually need to upgrade it WITH mystrile, just enough experience to do so. Until you have enough experience, go to the 255th floor again. Good luck.Hope this helps! >.< bx