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They asked King George to repeal them and he did.

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Q: How did colonists react to the stamp act the quartering act and the sugar act?
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What kinds of acts did king George do?

AnswerKing George the III passed the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act, and the Sugar Act. The Quartering Act let British troops stay in the homes of colonists. The colonists had to provide these 3 main things: beer, bread and bootwax. The Stamp Act taxed paper goods. That was repealed however. The Sugar Act, was started to stop the colonists from bringing rum, sugar, and molasses into the colonies. People smuggled it in though.-Roundrupert

What was the name of the new tax that ws imposed on all American colonists?

The Acts imposed on the Colonists were the Sugar Act, Quartering Act, and Stamp Act.

What acts were passed after the sugar act?

In no specific order Quartering Coercive Declaratory Tea Sugar Townshend Stamp Quartering

How did the English king react to the colonists' petition about the sugar and stamp acts?

The English King reacted to the colonists petition about the Sugar Act and Stamp Act by repealing the Stamp Act. Ben Franklin went and argued in front of English Parliament warning of a revolution.

How did the sugar quartering and stamp act start the revolutionary war?

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Which British act in the American colonies required colonists to harbor British soldiers?

Quartering Act

How are the stamp act and the sugar act connected to the quartering act and the proclamation of 1763?

American Revolution

Why Britain pass the sugar Act and quartering Act?

Between 1764-1765, the British government passed the Sugar Act, the Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act, which met with hostility in the American colonies.

How did the English king react to the colonist petition to the sugar act?

The English King reacted to the colonists petition about the Sugar Act and Stamp Act by repealing the Stamp Act. Ben Franklin went and argued in front of English Parliament warning of a revolution.

Why did King George III create the stamp act sugar act and quartering act during the American Revolution?

The Sugar Act was to get revenue from the colonies to pay for an army to protect the colonies as well as for some of the costs of the war the colonists caused. When the Sugar Act and a couple other plans failed, the passed the Stamp Act. The Quartering Act was passed to accomdate the soldiers that were placed in cities to keep the rioting down. And remember, King George didn't pass them, Parliament did.

What laws did the British pass that made the colonists angry?

Stamp act, Sugar act, Intolerable act, Quartering act, Tea act, and Townshend Revenue act. It might be more but the first two are the main ones

What made the colonies angry at the british government?

What made the colonists angry at Great Britain was all of the taxes, such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, and the Townshend Acts. "No taxation without representation!"