farming affected the economy in early amarian western movement by...
The South's economy was based on Farming. They used African American Slaves to do the work. There were few factories, unlike the North who had an industrial economy.
More people moved from farming areas to cities
In 1875 the grange movement began to promote farmers and farming methods.
Low prices for agricultural products.
Economies have several types of businesses, such as agricultural, manufacturing and service. Agricultural and manufacturing businesses are self-explanatory. Service business are ones that provided services like telephone, sales, medical and the like to the economy. A country's economy is called a service economy if its businesses are predominantly service oriented as opposed to agricultural or manufacturing oriented. The US has more businesses that provide services to the public than farming or manufacturing businesses, therefore it is a service economy.
farming affected the economy in early amarian western movement by...
Thomas Jefferson was the leader that envisioned the American economy as one based mainly on farming and agriculture.
most south American countries
An Economy based around farming
The South's economy was based on Farming. They used African American Slaves to do the work. There were few factories, unlike the North who had an industrial economy.
Farming affects the economy is an extremely large way. Without farming the economy would collapse because food is a thing that humans will always need and buy.
a whale of a good time
Brazil is diversifying is economy by making machinery, steel, and chemicals and encouraging cotton farming to support a weaving industry.
azerbaijan has an economy based on farming. its is a farmacuitical economy.
An economy based on farming the land.
It has led mexico to depend less on farming and more on manufacturing.