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people without ability or experience became offcials

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Q: How did political machines both help and hurt cities and governments?
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What was the primary purpose of political machines?

Th main goal of political machines during the Glided Age was it used both, legal and illegal, methods to get candidates elected to public office. :]

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the good ones

On what political ideas and traditions from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean Did Americans base their state and national governments?

the good ones

What are the similar between physical maps and political maps?

My thinking is that physical and political maps both have labels, labeling the cities, countries, or important areas.

What are the similarities between political maps and physical maps?

My thinking is that physical and political maps both have labels, labeling the cities, countries, or important areas.

What are the two cities in A Tale of Two Cities?

The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities are London and Paris. The novel contrasts the social and political unrest in both cities during the French Revolution.

Why is it important to compare London and Washington?

London and Washington DC are both Capital Cities and where the Governments of the two Countries - UK and USA - are situated.

What was the main goal of political machines during the Gilded Age?

Th main goal of political machines during the Glided Age was it used both, legal and illegal, methods to get candidates elected to public office. :]

What are the similarities between physical maps and political maps?

My thinking is that physical and political maps both have labels, labeling the cities, countries, or important areas.

What are 5 examples of complex institutions?

Formal governments with officials and laws. Priests with both religious and political power. A rigorous education system for training scribes.