Small farmers were not thrilled about the tax on alcohol. This is because these farmers enjoyed once being able to afford the alcohol.
1790, American farmers wanted fair tax laws and the right to settle western lands.
Massachusets taxes on farmers after the revolutionary war affected them by taking their lands and putting others in debt.
Daniel Shays
The Populist Party appealed strongly to farmers who were deep in debt and felt betrayed by the traditional political parties. It proposed a progressive income tax and would allow the free coinage of silver which appealed to many others.
whiskey rebellion
Tax, whiskey, farmers
Because they could make more money turning their wheat into whiskey, but the government needed more food supplies, not alcohol. So the government put a tax on whiskey and farmers lost business.
The major tax burden was on small farmers
Farmers who produced small amounts of whiskey for trade argued they could not afford the tax. By 1794 fighting had broken out. Farmers lashed out on the whiskey tax. Protestors refused to pay the tax. Some called themselves the "new sons of Liberty"
The estate tax (often referred to as the "death tax"), which removes substantial capital from families and small businesses, and may require them to sell out or close.
They agreed that estate taxes were to tough if farmers and small business persons wanted their heirs to continue their work.
Whiskey tax
James stewarts representative Larry brooks. The major tax burden was on small farmers.
tax on whiskey
In 1791, Congress levied the first tax on alcohol
In 1791, Congress levied the first tax on alcohol
The tax was lead to the Whiskey Rebellion because at first in the people in the West were bitter from tax. They were already angry at the federal government, which they believed did not protect settlers from Native American attacks and did not allow settlers enough opportunity for trade. Farmers who produced small amounts of whiskey for trade argued that they could not afford the tax. They believed that they should be able to keep the money they made from a product they created themselves.