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Q: How did the Americans revolution weaken slavery?
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After the Revolution did Americans made a strong effort to abolish slavery in both the North and South?

Only in the North

What did southern planters believe would weaken the system of slavery?

Southern planters believed that if slaves learned to read, it would weaken the system of slavery.

What two countries outlawed slavery during the Industrial Revolution?

The two countries that outlawed slavery during the Industrial Revolution were England and France. England passed the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833, which abolished slavery in the British Empire. Similarly, France abolished slavery in its colonies through the Law of 1848.

What was the effect of the American Revolution on slavery?

The American Revolution did not effect slavery. It was the Civil War that had the biggest effect on slavery in the US.

What did Lincoln make to weaken the confederacy?

he wrote paper that stops slavery

Who persuaded Louis xvi to support the American Revolution?

Louis XVI did not support the ideals of the American Revolution, he just wanted to weaken his country's enemy, Britain, who the Americans happened to be fighting against. Louis XVI persuaded himself, for selfish reasons.

What happened to slavery after the revolution?

Slavery still existed after the US revolution. In parts of the world it still exists.

Why the Americans won the Revolution?

1.) The Americans motivaton for fighting was much stronger than that of the British, since their army was defending their homeland. 2.) The overconfident British generals made several mistakes. 3.) Third, time itself was on the side of Americans. 4.) finally the Americans did not fight alone, Louis XVI of France had little sympathy for the ideals of the American revolution. However he wanted to weaken his rival. So France joined forces with the Americans

What differing views did Americans have of slaverly?

Numbers of Americans supported slavery, and some loathed slavery.

What If Slavery Was Abolished In The Industrial Revolution?

Then, there would be no industrial revolution.

Is john brown's revolt against slavery a revolution?

yes john browns revolt against slavery is revolution because it

Where did African Americans go after slavery Ended?

wherw did freed African Americans go after slavery ended