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Q: How did the US government attempt to facilitate the growth of domestic industry?
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What can the government do to stop domestic violence?

The true answer is nothing. Regardless of what the government does, there will still be violent partners that abuse their boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, and husbands. The government will attempt to say that stiffening penalties for those charged and convicted with Domestic Violence will stop it. However, this many simply reduce the rate at which people commit this offense. It'll never stop it.

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domestic subversion is the attempt to overthrow the internal power structure or domestic authority by destructing the dominant ideas,beliefs and trends.

The of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government?

The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government.

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attempt to overthrow the government

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What was the first attempt at government for the US?

U.S. constitution

What was the first attempt to design a U.S. Government called?

The Articles of Confederation was the initial attempt to design a United States government. The articles were followed by the United States Constitution.