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The Native Americans are a perfect example of what happens when the Old world meets the new world. They died of diseases, were discriminated against, moved off of ancestral lands, and segregated.

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Q: How did the ages discovery affect native peoples in newly discovered lands?
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What long-term consequences did the Columbian Exchange have on native peoples in the Americas?

It resulted in disease outbreaks that devastated native populations.

What is said about native Americans in the constitution?

The United States constitution gave Native Americans the right to vote in 1924, until this date Native Americans were not considered citizens. There are treaties that were signed by the various tribes that included the Native peoples into the constitution of the United States.

Why do you think the king of Spain commanded catholic priest to teach native Americans about Christianity?

There are two possible reasons ( others may exist as well ) for Spain's attempts to Christianize the Native Americans in the New World. One reason was the sincere belief that by doing so, they were helping these Native Tribes to discover God and thus establish a relationship with their Creator. This could have been a sincere goal. The other reason would be to bring the Native Americans into the "fold" of Catholic Spain, and thus have a measure of commonality among the two peoples. It must be remembered that "religion" was a stronger force in the colonail days of Spain then perhaps it is now.

What caused millions of Native Americans to die after the Europeans came?

Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.

How did the arrival of European settlers in North America affect the lives and the cultures of the indigenous peoples there?

they picked them out of there land and gave them sicknesses!

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How long did the age of Discovery affect native peoples in newly discovered lands?

the native peoples were often enslaved by the conquering nations. APEXX

How did the age of discovery affect peoples in newly discovered lands?

the native peoples were often enslaved by the conquering nations. APEXX

How did the age of discovery native peoples in newly discovered lands?

The native peoples' culture was disrupted by the introduction of Christianity.

How did the age of discovery affect native peoples in newly discovered lands?

The native peoples' land was stripped of its Natural Resources

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Gold was not discovered in GA. The geography of the area doesn't support the minerals for gold.

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Cassava was discovered by the native tribes of South America. It has been cultivated by Indigenous peoples for thousands of years.

What did Native American discover?

There are a number of things that the native Americans discovered. The most important was the discovery of America itself where they first settled.

How did the french and settlements affect native Americans?

The French and the Dutch each made alliances with Native American peoples.

How did french and dutch settlements affect the native Americans?

The French and the Dutch each made alliances with Native American peoples.

How was America discovered?

While the "Native Americans," the Norse, the Chinese and perhaps others discovered America earlier, the discovery by Columbus in 1492 is considered the "official" date of discovery becasue that is the discovery from which the modern world descends.

How disease affect the conquest of the Americas.?

many native peoples died because Europeans brought disease germs and native peoples bodies were not strong enough to protect them from small pox and measles.

When was Augustine discovered?

The area around St Augustine was initially discovered by Europeans in 1513. Native Americans had lived in the area for some time prior to that discovery.