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because their teachers beat them like you do me

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They refused to cooperate and the Sons of Liberty protested by burning stamps and threatening stamp agents.

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Q: How did the colonists show their opposition to british taxes and tariffs?
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How did the colonists show the opposition to the British taxes and tariffs?

because their teachers beat them like you do me

One economic weapon that the colonists used to show their opposition to British taxes was their?

boycotting British goods

How did colonists show their opposition to British taxes and tarriffs?

you give them a weggie like you did to me when you bullied me

How colonists show opposition to the sugar act?

they boycotted the idea and stopped paying taxes to the british

How did colonists show their opposition to british control of the frontier and the imposition of the new taxes?

Boston tea party then the war of independence

How did the colonist show there opposition to taxes and tariffs?

They created boycotts and protested for there rights.

Who led the opposition to the townshend acts?

The leaders of the opposition were Samuel Adams and John Dickinson. Colonists were infuriated by these taxes and their boycott of British goods forced King George to repeal the Stamp Act.

How did colonist respond to british taxes?

The colonists did not respond well to British taxes. These colonists were outraged that they were being taxed the way that they were.

Why did the colonists believe that they did not have to pay British taxes?

They believed thy didn't have to pay British taxes because they were the colonists after all

What did the British want from the colonists?


Why British were so willing to pass new taxes in the face of colonial opposition?

why the British were so willing to pass new taxes in the face of colonial opposition?

How did the colonists show their opposition to british control the frontier and the imposition of new taxes?

In a mercantilism system, colonies were expected to serve the colonial power. Grenville reasoned that the colonists would not oppose small tax increases.