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When Washington was president he stated that education was needed in order to help the people immigrating into the United States so they could learn how a democratic society works and can take part in the process and feel part of the social order. Immigrants often feel confused and isolated within a society and education opens doors so people can become active members of the society.

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Q: How did the expansion of public education help to Americanize immigrants?
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How did immigrants regard public education?

as a path to advancement

What was the main reason education wanted to establish public schools.?

so immigrants could learn about democracy

What was the main reason education reformers wanted to establish public schools?

so immigrants could learn about democracy

How did late 19th-century public schools change?

Public Schools took in a huge growth spurt during the late 19th century. MAny children who had never received any form of formal education began attending Public Schools. Also, many immigrants began attending public schools. Public Schools took in a huge growth spurt during the late 19th century. MAny children who had never received any form of formal education began attending Public Schools. Also, many immigrants began attending public schools.

Is education public or private good?

Education can be public. Education can also be private.

How did late 19th century public schools change?

Public Schools took in a huge growth spurt during the late 19th century. MAny children who had never received any form of formal education began attending Public Schools. Also, many immigrants began attending public schools. Public Schools took in a huge growth spurt during the late 19th century. MAny children who had never received any form of formal education began attending Public Schools. Also, many immigrants began attending public schools.

What happened as the number public schools in south began to grow?

Blacks and white were kept in seperate schools.

What institution is most helpful for assimilating recent immigrants into America?

Public schools are most helpful for assimilating recent immigrants into America.

What is one way that Chief Justice Earl Warren supports the Supreme Court's decision?

He compares public education in his time to education in the 19th century

When did catharine Beecher invent public education?

inventer of public education

Does immigration make more money for the UK?

Some immigrants bring skills, energy, ambition, creativity, all things that add to any country-and usually generate wealth. An expanded population usually means increased economic activity. but it also means some increased burdens on the state, such as the cost of public education, public health care, public housing. Some immigrants are just average folks who work for a paycheck and some immigrants are bums who want to milk the "system".

When was Secretariat of Public Education created?

Secretariat of Public Education was created in 1921.