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how did the gov. fail to achieveits goal of assimililation for american indians

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Q: How did the government fail to achieve its goal of assimilation for American Indians?
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How did US achieve total assimilation?

The United States has not achieved total assimilation of all individuals or groups. Assimilation policies in the past have led to efforts to force marginalized communities to adopt dominant cultural norms, but this has often created social inequalities. Many groups continue to maintain their distinct identities and resist assimilation efforts in order to preserve their culture and traditions.

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Harmony and coexistence.

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The American Federation of Labor used a combination of strikes and boycotts to achieve their aims. Although the companies often had the support of the government which used tactics to break strikes, the AFL achieved a great many of their labor goals.

Why was the policy of assimilation in Algeria hard to achieve?

In 1945, about 1 million French colonists and about 9 million Arab and berber Muslims were living in the North African country of Algeria, France's principal overseas colony. Some of the colonists had lived there for generations. They were unwilling to give up their land without a fight. france claimed to offer full citizenship rights to its colonial subjects-a policy called assimilation. In reality, assimilation wa hard to achieve. The colonists refused to share political power.

Why the policy of assimilation in Algeria hard to achieve?

In 1945, about 1 million French colonists and about 9 million Arab and berber Muslims were living in the North African country of Algeria, France's principal overseas colony. Some of the colonists had lived there for generations. They were unwilling to give up their land without a fight. france claimed to offer full citizenship rights to its colonial subjects-a policy called assimilation. In reality, assimilation wa hard to achieve. The colonists refused to share political power.

To achieve its goals what must a government enact?

The government must enact laws to achieve its goals.

How would breaking up the reservations help the government achieve their goal of assimilating the native Americans?

A reservation is a kind of ghetto or enclave, in which native Americans associate only with their fellow native Americans in the reservation and have relatively little if any contact with other types of Americans. If native Americans move to cities where other types of Americans live, they will become more involved with what I might loosely describe as mainstream American culture. That is assimilation.

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Yes. That's the whole point of the American dream. To achieve anything we put our minds to.

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raising taxes

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