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New departments of the US Government were started as a result of World War 2. The Veterans Administration was put into place to carry out the benefits of the GI bill and to handle retirees of the military branches. VA hospitals were started too.

An Air Force was started and reorganization of the military branches to accommodate women as service persons was instigated too.

In 1941 ground was broken for the development of the US Pentagon to bring all the administrations of all branches of the military together.

The SEA BEEs were formed during World War 2 and this expanded the military and government departments more.

Another department formed was the Atomic Energy Commission.

NASA became an administration which was the result of a dream of German Scientist/ Physicist Braun. He had been part of the team that designed and built the V2 Rockets during World War 2.

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Q: How did world war 2 lead to expansion of the federal government?
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Who is the leader for the US federal government?

The federal government is separated into three parts: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislative branch is further split into two more parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. There is no one entity in control of the federal government.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of federalism for democratic government?

Advantages of federal government are the following: (1) It ensures that government remains close to the people because the state government argue that they are more in tune with the daily needs and aspirations of people especially relevant to small and isolated places. (2) It encourages development of the nation in a decentralized and regional manner and allows for unique and innovative methods for attacking social, economic and political problems. (3) It provides a barrier to the dominance of the majority, while the disadvantages are the following: (1) It can lead to duplication of government and inefficient, over-lapping or contradictory policies in different parts of the country. (2) It can lead to inequality between the states and lead to unhealthy competition and rivalry between them. (3) It cal lead to over-government that will result to corruption

Does the federal deficit add to the federal debt?

A budget deficit can lead to more borrowing thereby impacting on the national debt

Where can one go to apply for US government jobs?

Government Jobs are regularly posted on internet available sites for government facilities and departments. Staffing services are also at times used to fulfill the employment needs of government departments.

Define anti federalist?

An Anti-Federalist is someone who opposed the ratification of the United States Constitution during the late 1700s. They believed that the Constitution would create an even more powerful federal government that would threaten the rights and liberties of the people. Anti-Federalists wanted to keep the government decentralized and argued that a strong federal government would lead to tyranny and the loss of state-level autonomy. They also feared that the Constitution would lead to an imbalance of power between the states and the federal government. Their primary arguments against the Constitution were that it lacked a Bill of Rights to protect citizens from the government, and that it created a federal government with too much power. They argued that the government should be limited to specific and enumerated powers and that the states should retain their sovereignty. Anti-Federalists were also worried about the judicial branch, as they feared that it would be too powerful and could be used to oppress citizens.

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What factors in Europe lead to world war 2?

German expansion.

What is the expansion for government?

Government expansion refers to an increase in the size, scope, and reach of government activities and responsibilities. This can include the creation of new government programs, agencies, regulations, and spending initiatives aimed at addressing societal needs and challenges. Opponents of government expansion often argue that it can lead to increased bureaucracy, inefficiency, and a heavier tax burden on citizens.

Who is the leader for the US federal government?

The federal government is separated into three parts: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislative branch is further split into two more parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. There is no one entity in control of the federal government.

What are the ranks in the Australian Political System going from the queen to the people?

Queen - By birth right Governor General - Appointed by the Federal Government Federal Government - Lead by a Prime Minster and elected by the people. State Government - Lead by a State Premier and elected by the people. Local Government (Council) - Lead by a Lord Mayor and elected by the people. Then it is every day Joe.

What is the the form of government in Russia?

Federal Republic, a Republican form of Government lead by President and Vice president and a legislature. Yes.

What is the lead of the 3 branches of government?

There isn't a "lead" of the 3 branches of government were very carefully set up so that no one branch was more powerful than the others. I suspect that the very best answer to your question is that the individual States and the people that live in them lead the 3 branches of federal government.

Why did the inability of the government to raise taxes lead to the collapse of the articles of confederation?

Since taxes could only be collected if the states willing gave money to the federal government, many state simply chose not to give sufficient moneys to the federal government. Without money to function, the federal government could not effectively coordinate policies within the United States.

Are legal government jobs limited to the Federal government?

No, they are not limited to the federal government. There are many opportunites through government employment on the state and even city and local areas. Most likely. There are many many branches dealing with government-related jobs, but if you start from the bottom and go higher up in all of them, they all lead to the same place-- the official government.

Which European country took the lead in maritime expansion?

Close to Africa and facing the Atlantic, Spain, and Portugal were well-placed to lead the maritime expansion of Europe.then, portugal took the lead in 1419

How the increase in expansion affect the demand?

Increase in expansion affect the demand because more supply/expansion with constant demand will lead to excess in expansion which affect the demand.

Which level of government should take the lead in addressing the problems facing this nation the federal government or state and local government Why?

It depends on who the problem is affecting. If it is affecting only a small area of people in a single state, it is the responsibility of the state governments. They may chose to defer this right to a local government or a private organization, if they so chose. This is called devolution. If it is affecting the entire nation, it is the responsibility of the federal government. This is the textbook answer. Lately, with the way the courts, specifically the Supreme Court, have been ruling, practically everything is the federal government's responsibility.

Why does Canada have a federal government?

It's complicated but the many provinces and colonies in Canada would not have joined into a Confederation if Britain had been willing to provide protection from the United States. Fear of American expansion was very real, particularly after official and unofficial invasion attempts in 1812 and 1813, and 1866 combined with decreasing interest from Britain to protect it's North American Assets lead to a Confederation of 4 provinces in 1867. It was that Confederation, created in response to the territorial desires of their southern neighbour, which created the need for a Federal Government.