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The principles of popular sovereignty and limited government are shown in the Constitution in the form of representatives elected by the people, who can be recalled if the people vote for it, and the forms of government that are limited in what they can do by themselves, for example, the legislature cannot be singular in their passing of any particular law, they must go through fist their companions in their house, then through the other house of the legislature.

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

it has checks and balances which are rules that keep any of the three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial; from abusing their power or becoming too powerful.

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Q: How does the Constitution reflect the ideas of republicanism and limited government?
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The phrase "insure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity" point to democracy as the best form of government. In a democracy, a country is ruled, not by a king who can impose his will, but by the consent of the governed.

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No one CARES!

How does the bill or rights reflect the principle of limited government?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, describes the power and rights of American citizens. These amendments, ratified in 1791, reflect the belief of the framers of the Constitution in the principle of limited government. The Amendments place strict limits on how the national government can use its power over the people.

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habeaus corpes

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The consitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute monarchy that had France for centuries

Which amendments to the US constitution reflect the principle of federalism?

The 10th Amendment reserves rights to the states not assigned to the national government.

What did the Constitution of 1791 do and how sis it reflect Enlightenment ideas?

The consitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute monarchy that had France for centuries

How does the constitution reflect the fear of too strong a central government?

The constitution reflected the fear of too strong a central government by dividing power among three branches. Power is divided among the Executive Branch, the Judiciary, and the Legislative Branch.