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The constitution is full of compromise. The two houses of congress are a compromise, between the power of the people and experienced statesmen. The house is supposed to be closest to the people, and represent their interests, and the senate is supposed to be composed of more experienced statesmen, with less connection to the people. This system allows both the will of the people without the tyranny of the majority. There is more compromise between the executive branch and the legislative branch. The executive branch can veto legislation passed by the legislative branch, and the legislative branch can overturn that veto with a 60% majority, so there's another compromise. The judicial branch can also challenge law created by the other 2 branches, and declare it unconstitutional. The whole thing is one big compromise.

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Q: How does the U.S. Constitution encourage compromises?
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It is true that the framers had quite a few conflicts and made some compromises while writing the Constitution. One of the major compromises resulted in the Bill of Rights.

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I don't know help me