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The president , who leads the executive branch, can veto legislation. Just the threat of a veto has influence on the laws proposed and passed .

The president can put pressure on individual Congress members to vote the way he wants . He can reward those that help him, for example by releasing funds to his district, making the appointments the Congressman wants and campaigning and fund-raising for him. Just doing a little stroking can make a big impression on an obscure Congressmen. He can also punish those who cross him by withholding his favors. Just the hint of a threat may suffice, especially with members of his own party.

The president also enjoys what T. Roosevelt called a bully pulpit. He can influence public opinion the way the FDR did in his fireside chats. He can sell his legislative program and get people to pressure their Congressmen to vote for it. Congressmen are extremely sensitive to public opinion in their own districts.

Finally, the President has a lot of lee-way in the way he enforces or applies the laws passed by Congress. He issues executive orders to the federal employees who staff the federal agencies and these order have the effect of law.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In order for the Legislative Branch to pass a bill into law, the President (Executive Branch) must sign it. The President can check the Legislative Branch by vetoing it: not signing a bill into law. The President nominates candidates for Supreme Court Justices (Judicial Branch). In doing this, he checks the Judicial Branch by nominating candidates that would balance the power in the Supreme Court (or tip it into his favor).

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Executive Branch (The President). If Congress passes a bill (proposed law) that the President opposes, he/she can write the word "Veto" on the bill and send it back to Congress. (The word "veto" means, "I forbid.")

The president may call Congress into special session "on extraordinary occasions" to take care of unfinished or new legislative business--e.g., to pass a law without which the president feels he cannot carry out his promises or responsibilities.

The Executive Branch checks the Judicial Branch by choosing which judges are able to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. The President chooses who becomes a Justice of the Supreme Court.

The Legislative Branch (Congress). If the President vetoes a bill, Congress can pass the bill anyway, if the bill can get a 2/3 majority of the votes in both houses of Congress. (The Senate and the House of Representatives.) The Senate has the power to reject or approve Presidential appointments.

The Legislative Branch can check the Judicial Branch by determining the size of the Supreme Court and limiting its appellate jurisdiction. It can also establish and dismantle lower federal courts.

The Legislative Branch (House of Representatives) also hold the sole power of impeachment over both the Judicial and Executive branches.

The Judicial Branch (Supreme Court and other Article III federal courts). If a law is passed and it is challenged because someone or a group thinks it is not allowed under the Constitution, the federal courts can rule that it is "unconstitutional" and therefore void.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Executive is the only one who can nominate Judges to the courts - the Executive has the power of veto over bills sent to them from the Legislative. for their signature to turn the bills into law

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βˆ™ 14y ago

legislative branch can overturn a veto with a 2/3 vote of the law

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The president has the ability to veto bills that are proposed by the legislative branch.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

By appointment to the Judical and veto of the Legislative.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well see each branch can approve or not approve what each branch does. That's how they check each other.

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Q: How does the executive check the powers of the other 2 branches?
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How can the concepts of separtion of powers and checks and balances be explained?

Separation of power into three branches, the legislative, executive, and judicial, was made to keep one single branch of government from obtaining complete power. These branches have a system of checks and balances which keeps the other in check to limit the powers of the other, that way they obtain stability.

Can the legislative branch check on th executive and judicial branches of government?

Yes, all of the branches can check the other two branches. The legislative can check the executive by overruling a veto with a 2/3 vote. It can also remove a President through impeachment. Plus, the Senate approves treaties and presidential appointments. The legislative branch can check the judicial branch by lower courts and removing judges through impeachment. Plus, the Senate approves or rejects the appointment of judges by the president.

What do the powers of oversight confirmation impeachment ratification override and amendment have in common?

they help congress check the powers of the other two branches

What powers do the 3 branches have and how do they check and balance each other?

Each branch checks the power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them.

What is the observance of the principle of separation of powers and system of checks and balances?

Basically, each of the three branches of government have specific powers that belong to that branch only. For example, the primary duty of the Legislative Branch is to make laws, The Executive Branch enforces or carries out the laws, and the judicial branch upholds the laws and may determine the validity of the laws by holding them up against the Constitution. As far as checks and balances, there are several examples: The Executive Branch can appoint justices to the Supreme Court, but congress must approve these appointments, further, these justices will serve for life to then check the power of later presidents. The Legislative Branch can remove a justice if certain criteria are met. The Judicial Branch can determine acts/laws unconstitutional to check the powers of both the Legislative and Executive Branch. The Executive Branch may veto Legislative acts, however, the Legislature may override this veto. The Legislature may also carry out impeachment hearings against the President if warranted.

Related questions

How does the executive branches check the other branches?

By appointment to the Judical and veto of the Legislative.

In what ways does the constitution limit the powers of the federal government?

The Constitution limits the powers of government by creating the three branches, executive, judicial and legislature, all of which check the power of each other.

How can the executive branch check the powers of the judicial and legislative branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial check the powers of the legislative and executive branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial branch check the powers of the legislative and executive branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial branch check the powers of executive and legislative branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How does the executive check the other branches?

By appointment to the Judical and veto of the Legislative.

What separation of powers exist between branches of government?

The separation of powers is the practice we use in the US national government to divide the national government's powers between the three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) so that the national government cannot abuse its powers. Each branch has certain powers and is able to "check" the other branches' powers to keep the three branches equal or "balanced". This system is known as the system of checks and balances and it is used to guarantee the separation of powers.

How does the executive branch check the other branches?

By appointment to the Judical and veto of the Legislative.

How can the concepts of separtion of powers and checks and balances be explained?

Separation of power into three branches, the legislative, executive, and judicial, was made to keep one single branch of government from obtaining complete power. These branches have a system of checks and balances which keeps the other in check to limit the powers of the other, that way they obtain stability.

What important powers does the executive branch have?

the executive branch has the most power than the other branches because it enforces the laws , and it approves the veto laws .

How does the enlightenment's idea of separation of powers influence the USapex?

The U.S Constitution creates executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government can limit each other’s powers.