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Social security, un-employment, welfare, food stamps....pretty much everything that is wrong in our country today.

(Food stamps were not a part of the New Deal.) The New Deal established a Federal/State "safety net" for those who are unable to provide for themselves for reasons such as unemployment, age, disability or caring for dependent children. For many millions, life in the US would be much more harsh without the programs established or inspired by the New Deal.

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The major effect of the Great Depression and the New Deal on America was expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic affairs and the creation of more social assistance agencies at the national level. The relationship between the national government and the people changed drastically. It took on a greater role in the everyday social and economic lives of the citizen. As it grew with new agencies and reform attempts, the cost of its operation increased. Its growth continued long afterward. The Great Depression and the New Deal measures led to the domestic programs of JFK's New Frontier, LBJ's Great Society and War on Poverty, and some influence on the current Obama administration in its attempts to stimulate the economy.

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Cause it does.

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Q: How does the new deal still affect us today?
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Which of the following New Deal measures is still part of American life today?

The Social Security Act is still a government run program that is continued to this day.

Which new deal legislation enacted laws that are still enforced and important today?

yes indeed it is

How is the New Deal viewed today?

Today the viewof theNewDealis that some aspects worked and some didn't. Some of the New Deal programs still in existence are Social Security, the Securities Exchange Commission, the Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. and Federal Crop Ins. program.

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What was the new deal and how did affect American life?

The New Deal program, Works Progress Administration, better known as the WPA, affected the lives of American workers. Monthly salary averaged $41.57, and put many out-of-work Americans back on the job.

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It made the economy bad

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regulating the stock market and restricting margin buying.

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dese nuts

Do You think we need a new New Deal today?

yeah because most of the deal's are getting boring because everyone says it a lot and it is so old i agree i think we need a new deal today so that there is a brand new deal what we say. p.s i am annoyed of hearing the same deals now because they are so repeated.

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new industry

Did the second New Deal began first?

No. There was a first New Deal, which was first implemented in 1933 by Franklin D. Roosevelt; this was his effort to provide immediate emergency economic relief programs to remedy the economic devastation of the Great Depression. However, from 1934 to 1936, many historians refer to this period as the Second New Deal (though, it was all really collectively part of The New Deal). This "Second New Deal " began with the Wagner Act and also included programs such as the Social Security Administration, which still exists today.