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Q: How effectively does Jefferson anticipate and refute the opposition?
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What did Edward John Smith do?

He did NOT save Jamestown. He was only there a very few months and he lied about his contribution to the settlement in a book he wrote several years later. He also made up the story about Pocahontas and she died young so couldn't refute his story. The man who did save Jamestown was the husband of Pocahontas and gave tobacco seeds to the colony. That was John Rolfe.

Who said If you want freedom of the press buy one?

Sorry, I don't have the answer, but I do have some info. I have not been able to verify it, but I thought H.L. Menken said, "If you want freedom of the press, then go out and buy one." Maybe not, but see below.Menken was famous for saying, "There is no underestimating the intelligence of the American public," but the 'buy one' quote may come from elsewhere, with William Randolph Hearst also a candidate.It is similar to "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one," which has also been attributed to Menken, but comes form A. J. Liebling, "Do you belong in journalism?", The New Yorker, 14 May 1960. As for Hearst, his character is better captured by the statement, "You can crush a man with journalism."All of has led many to question freedom of the press. Churchill was reported to have said, "As to freedom of the press, why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?" (Piers Brendon, Winston Churchill: A Biography, Harper & Row, New York,1984, p. 105.) It seems, however, that this was originally said by Lenin, to whom the same quote is attributed by Menken, of all people. Lenin prefaced it by first saying, "Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns." (Lenin, Speech in Moscow, 1920, collected in H. L. Mencken, A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles from Ancient and Modern Sources Selected, New York, A. A. Knopf, 1942.)By the way, Lenin was not finished:We do not believe in 'absolutes.' We laugh at 'pure democracy.' [As for t]he 'freedom of the press' slogan . . . No country in the world has done as much to liberate the masses from the influence of priests and landowners as [Soviet Russia] has done, and is doing. We have been performing this function of 'freedom of the press' better than anyone else in the world.All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake "public opinion" for the benefit of the bourgeoisie. This is a fact. No one will ever be able to refute it.(Vladimir Lenin, "A Letter To G. Myasnikov," Lenin's Collected Works,1st English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 32, pp. 504-505.)

What are some differences between the first and second creation stories?

Modern archaeology has revealed that the literary usage of Genesis 1 and 2 was known and used in the ancient world. This is simply an account of a general nature followed by a second account which gives details about a certain aspect of the former.Thus it is known among scholars that there is only one Genesis account of creation in two parts. The first part deals with the creation of the world and universe. The second part dwells in detail with the creation of man and his place in the creation.Further to this, the Ebla Creation tablet, which contains details similar to the Genesis 1 account is understood by scholars to totally refute the JEDP Theory which postulates a much later date as well as different sources. The Ebla Tablet dates much earlier than anything previously found and so supports the natural reading of Genesis as by one author who used the common literary usage of the day.The differences in the two 'accounts' (which are really two parts of the one account) thus relate simply to the subject matter. The first account relates in a general sense to everything that was made, although it does refer to the creation of man. The second part of the account being more detail about the creation of man. One important difference is that the first part refers to the chronology and gives details about what was made each day. The second part, in focusing on man, does not refer to chronology but to man and his place or status as 'head' over the creation.As stated above, the differences thus are to do entirely with differences in the subject matter by the author. They have nothing whatsoever to do with a theory of literary origins which is thoroughly refuted in every one of its main tenets by the facts of archaeology and also has no evidence whatsoever of any writing by the alleged different authors nor any knowledge of who they really were, despite the fact they wrote such important works.Thus when one realizes the differences in terms of the nature of the two different parts of the creation account then these differences are quite understandable. They are differences in emphasis and not contradictory in terms of their detail.AnswerGenesis 1:25-27, Humans were created after the other animals.Genesis 2:19-19, Humans were created before the other animals.Genesis 1:27, The first man and woman were created simultaneously.Genesis 2:18-22, The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.AnswerFrom what were the fowls made?From the waters:"And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl ......." Genesis 120-21From the groundAnd out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl ........" Genesis 2:19AnswerThere is really only one creation account which is written in two parts, according to well known ancient literary procedure.The first part of the account deals with a general description of the totality of what God made. The intention is not to provide a detailed scientific list of everything, but to clearly indicate that God made everything that exists, as well as ordering the things He made.The second part goes into more detail about the creation of man and man's role as well as the origin of woman and marriage. The other parts of the creation are not in focus in the second part as it is dealing particularly with man and thus the animals are only mentioned in relation to how they relate, or don't relate to man.AnswerThe creation stories in Genesis 1:1-2:4a (the first sentence in verse 2:4) and Genesis 2:4b-2:25 are different because they had different authors. The first creation story is attributed to the source now known as the Priestly source, and is believed to have originated in Mesopotamia. The second story is attributed to the Yahwist source and is much older in Judaism, and therefore more primitive.Scholars say that the first creation story, with its emphasis on the pre-existing waters, came from a coastal or maritime culture. The second creation story, which does not mention the ocean but emphasises on the lack of rain, developed in an arid, inland environment.One of the most frequently noted differences betwen the two accounts is the sequence of creation. In the first creation account, all the plants and animals are created before man, both male and female, who are created together. In the second creation account, God creates a man, Adam, then plants a garden and creates the animals, then finally creates Eve.

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