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Just like most people they slove they're conflics with weapons Just like most people they slove they're conflics with weapons Just like most people they slove they're conflics with weapons

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Q: How framers solve conflict in north southern states?
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Why was there a conflict of interest between the North and the South in the early 1800s?

In the 1800's the Southern states wanted to continue importing and using slaves because it was an economic boost. The North wanted to ban slavery. The southern states were also angered by raising tariffs, however the tariff compromise of 1833 quelled the South's rage.

What is the north-south conflict?

The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.

What compromise did the Framers reach on the issues of tariffs and slavery?

The compromise that the Framers reached on the issues of the tariffs and slavery were, to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, also to regulate the Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several Sates, and with the Indian Tribes. So the Constitution gave Congress the power to place tariffs on imports, and the Congress was also given the power to control both the interstate and foreign trade. So to agreement with the Southern delegates the Framers from the North agreed to the Southern demands on slavery issue.

Which four Southern states were part of the 13 original states that approved the Constitution?

They are Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

How did the tention between states' rights and national government authorities manifest itself in the events leading up to the civil war?

The southern states believed in states' rights, the right to make decisions and run their own affairs. States' rights and the stubborness of the north in resenting the skills of the south were the main cause of the war. The north had so right to interfere in the affairs of the southern states. ^^^^ now thats just you being biased. Guys thats not the correct answer^

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Why was there a conflict of interest between the North and the South in the early 1800s?

In the 1800's the Southern states wanted to continue importing and using slaves because it was an economic boost. The North wanted to ban slavery. The southern states were also angered by raising tariffs, however the tariff compromise of 1833 quelled the South's rage.

What was to become of the defeated southern states?

the southern states would have had to listen to the northern states..the north basically ruled the south since the south surrendered to the north

What are the upper southern states not including the lower southern states?

Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas

What is the north-south conflict?

The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.

What is north south conflict?

The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.

What was the conflict with south and north during civil war?

North wanted the new states to be free states south wanted the new states to be slave states

What might have happened if the framers of the constitution had outlawed slavery?

The Framers avoided making a decision on whether to abolish slavery mainly because they feared that neither sides (North and South) would ratify the constitution, since the Northern states wanted freedom for African Americans and Southern states wanted slavery.

How are northern and southern different?

The North were free states and the South were slave states.

Why was Sam Houston against the war?

He was convinced that the Union must be preserved. He was also certain that the southern states could not defeat the industrial north and that the south would pay a heavy price in that conflict.

How did the Missouri Compromise attempt to resolve a conflict between North and the South?

By adding in Maine as a free state and adding in Missouri as a slave state to balance power between slave states(mostly southern) and free states(mostly northern)

Is North Carolina in the south?

Yes, North Carolina is located in the southern region of the United States. It is part of the southeastern United States and is often considered one of the southern states.