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i don`t know thats what i was asking you

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Q: How is a representative democracy similar to a constitutional monarchy?
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Constitutional monarchy is most similar to which other system of government?

Parliamentary democracy

The virginia house of burgesses and the Mayflower Compact had a similar effect in both?

contributed to the development of representative democracy

The Virginia house of burgesses and the mayflower compact had a similar effect in that both?

contributed to the developmentn of representative democracy

What is spain's political philosophy?

Article 1, Section 3 of the Spanish Constitution says, "3. La forma política del Estado español es la Monarquía parlamentaria". That is, "The political form of the Spanish State is a parlimentary monarchy". See the related link.

Is the US a parliamentary democracy?

United States: Not a DemocracyThough commonly called a democracy, the United States is actually a Constitutional Replublic. Constitutional republics and democracies are similar, but there are key differences. In a constitutional republic, government officials are elected by the people to represent them. The officials are to govern according to existing constitutional law, which limits government's power over the people. Thus, the focus is on governing according to constitutional law.In a democracy, the primary source of political power is the people, not a constitution. The power may be exercised directly or through elected officials. In either case, whatever the majority of people decide is what rules.So, though the United States has mistakenly been referred to as a democracy throughout history, its true form of government is constitutional republic.

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Constitutional monarchy is most similar to which other system of government?

Parliamentary democracy

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It is similar to a constitutional monarchy.

What is one way a citizen in a direct democracy and a subject in a monarchy are similar?

They are not very similar.

Describe the type of government in Netherlands?

A constitutional monarchy with bicameral parliament, similar to that of the UK.

Does New Zealand have a constitution?

Yes, it has a constitution, that is why it a constitutional monarchy. But it is not one document but a collection. It is similar to Englands.

Does the leader of Jordan do what ever he wants as a king?

Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, similar to Denmark and the United Kingdom.

How is athenian democracy similar to democracy?

It was not - it was direct democracy where the citizens met in fortnightly assembly and decided on issues which the council implemented. Modern democracy is representative democracy, where elected representatives carry out the functions of governance.

Is Japan democratic?

Japan is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy similar to the UK, Canada, Sweden or Belgium. The Emperor is the head of state and keeps strictly out of politics.

Type of government in Spain?

Spain is a parliamentary monarchy.Spain is a Democratic Monarchy. It has a King, Juan Carlos I, who has very little power and is the Head of State. It has a democratically elected government which in turn elects a Presidente del Gobierno. The President governs the nation and is Head of Government. The current President is Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

The Virginia house of burgesses and the mayflower compact had a similar effect in that both?

contributed to the developmentn of representative democracy

The virginia house of burgesses and the Mayflower Compact had a similar effect in both?

contributed to the development of representative democracy

How is a republic similar to a direct democracy?

Both are types of democracy. A republic is a representational democracy, which is mutually exclusive with direct democracy.