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It is based on equal representation for each state.

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Q: How is each state's representation in the senate determined?
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How is each states representation in senate determined?

It is based on equal representation for each state.

How is state representation determined?

Representation in the Senate is equal between all states. Each state gets two senators.

How is each state representation the senate determined?

It is based on equal representation for each state.

How is each states representation in the same senate determined?

Each state has 2 Senators for a term of 6 years for each Senator. There is a total of 100 Senators..

In which house of Congress does each of the 50 states have equal representation?

The Senate.

Which house of congress has represenatives?

In the Senate, each state gets 2 representatives. In the House of Representatives, the number of representatives per state is based on the population. This is determined from the census every ten years.

Who would have been happier with their representation in the senate small states or large states and why?

The physical size of states, small or large, was irrelevant.The size of their populations, however, determined their representation in the lower house of Congress. So states with larger populations are better represented in the House, where the number of representatives is apportioned by population, than in the Senate where each state is represented equally by two Senators.

How is representation in each determined?

In the Senate, each state gets 2 representatives. In the House of Representatives, the number of representatives per state is based on the population. This is determined from the census every ten years.

Which house of Congress has its membership determined by population?

The house of Representatives. There are 435 total. The senate has two representatives from each state.

How is representation in the senate ditermined?

In US they have 2 Senators no matter what the state's population may be. For house of reps. its based on the population of the state.

What determined how many votes each state received in the house of representatives and the senate?

The number of votes each state receives in the U.S. House of Representatives is determined by the state's population. Each state is allocated a certain number of seats based on its population, as determined by the U.S. Census taken every 10 years. In the Senate, however, each state is represented by two senators, regardless of population size. This ensures that each state has equal representation in the Senate.

What body's states representation is not affected by the census?

Senate. Each state has 2 Senators no matter the size.