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Q: How long did the battle of lexington and concord last?
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What battle started the American Revolution?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord began the open fighting on April 19, 1775. At Lexington, the British shot and disarmed US militiamen, and then marched on Concord, where (later in the day) they were fired on by a larger force of colonists and forced to withdraw to Boston.

What is the significance and outcome of the battle of concord?

The battles of Lexington and Concord are two battles fought on the same day , April 18, 1775, and were the first shots in the Revolutionary War. Coming from Boston to seize colonial military stores at Concord, Mass., a British force of 700 was met at Lexington by 77 local minutemen Resistance soon ended. The British moved on to nearby Concord, where they were met by more than 300 American patriots and were forced to withdraw. On their march back to Boston, they were continually shot at by colonists firing from behind barns, trees, and roadside walls. Deaths totaled 273 British and 95 Americans. The long term outcome was the declaration of independence and the Revolutionary War which lasted for five years, resulted in the surrender of the British and the formation of the United States of America.

What was the order of battles in in the Revolutionary War?

Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Fort Washington, Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Saratoga, Savannah, Charlsetown, Cowpens, Yorktown

What was Lexington and concord?

lexington and concord was when paul rever set out to get more soldiers in the militia for the Americans. The british thought that the American colonists were storing ammunition and war supplies in concord so they went to lexington to try to stop the Americans and they killed a few colonists but no one knows who fired the first shot. Then, the british won and went to concord but American colonists militia was waiting there because they heard rever's and William dawes alarms. the American won

When did the battles of Lexington and concord start?

The famous battles that began the American Revolutionary War, at Lexington and at Concord, began early in the morning of April 19, 1775. In Lexington at first light, colonial militia troops assembled and faced off with the advancing British soldiers. Dispersed quickly by British shots, the Americans met the British again at Concord later in the day, where the reinforced colonials drove back their enemy then harassed them during their long march back to Boston.

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The battle was so long it distroid bunker hil

Where did the first deaths in American revolution occur?

At the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

What battle started the American Revolution?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord began the open fighting on April 19, 1775. At Lexington, the British shot and disarmed US militiamen, and then marched on Concord, where (later in the day) they were fired on by a larger force of colonists and forced to withdraw to Boston.

How long did the battle of Concord MA last?

The battle occurred on April 19, 1775. The battle lasted for a day.

Why is the battles of Lexington and Concord important?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord was important because it marked the beginning of The American Revolution. Also it made the Colinistes more confident that the could deafet the British.

What were the first battles of the American Revolution?

The first battles were the Battle of Lexington and Concord, but they weren't really battles. The first two major battles were probably the Battle of Bunker Hill and Long Island. Most likely, there were tiny battles that aren't as well known as these that took place between them.The first battles of the Revolutionary war were Lexington and Concord. :)

First battle of the Revolutionary War?

Lexington happened in 1775, but the war didn't start until 1776 so the first small battle was Bunker Hill and the first major battle was the Battle of Long Island/New York.

How long did the fighting go on before Americans declared their independence?

It didn't. One battle in 1775 with Lexington and Concord. Most people weren't that involved in declaring independence.

How long did the fighting go on before the Americans declared the Independence?

It didn't. One battle in 1775 with Lexington and Concord. Most people weren't that involved in declaring independence.

How long was the battle of concord?

7 years

How long did the British soldiers march from Lexington to Concord?

about 10 hours it was a 22 mile walk

Where was the shots heard 'round the world fired?

Well, among others- the term is from Emmerson's "Concord Hymn"-relating to the start of armed combat in the American Revolutionary War. The first shots were actually fired in Lexington Mass, but soon after the first fire under orders took place at Concord, Mass. There has been a long term disagreement between Lexington and Concord over this. Please note that Emmerson , at the time the poem was written, lived about 300 ft. from the bridge in Concord that was the site of battle, so he may have been prejudiced towards his home town.