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A federal judge, serves as long as they want. They have Life Time appointments.

There are 840 federal judges and each one has been chosen by a former or current president..most serve for 10, 20, 30, even 40 years. We still have federal judges that were appointed by Nixon

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Q: How long do federal judges serve once they become a federal judge?
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For how long do federal judges serve?

Federal judges are given lifetime tenure during periods of good behavior. This is to prevent any influence of their decisions.

How many judges serve on the US court of Federal claims?


Which members of the government serve for life?

No branch serves for life. Some officers and officials serve for life. For example, federal judges serve for life.

Are judges ever elected by the people?

In the U.S., it varies by state. Federal judges are not elected; they are appointed.

What are Article III judges or justices?

Supreme Court Justices are "Article III Judges," as are US District Court and US Courts of Appeals Circuit Court judges, which means that they hold their term for life ("good behavior"). Some Justices will retire because of old age or illness. Other Justices will serve until their death. All Federal "Article III" Judges are guaranteed a consistent salary and life appointment during good behavior by the United States Constitution. This is meant to ensure that the Judiciary retains some level of independence, and that they are not beholden to the legislative branch, which can be swayed by popular sentiment. Once appointed, Article III Judges are able to make "unpopular" decisions (like desegregation) without fear of personal reprimand. The one Article III Judge that I know of who was impeached from the bench was Judge Nixon (no relation to President Nixon), who committed perjury (lying under oath). Generally, it is difficult to remove a Federal Judge from the bench. The Judge's conduct usually has to be criminal. US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase was impeached in 1804, but was acquitted at his Senate trial.

Related questions

For how long do federal judges serve?

Federal judges are given lifetime tenure during periods of good behavior. This is to prevent any influence of their decisions.

What is the length of a federal judge's term?

Federal judges serve for life unless they commit a crime.

How many terms may a judge serve?

Federal judges are appointed for life. There are no terms for them. Terms for state judges are determined by the constitution of the specific state.

Is the Federal judges on the Supreme Court serve for life?

Yes, the only exceptions are when a judge steps down and when a judge is considered unfit by the majority of his/her peers to carry out their duties.

Is it true Federal judges on the Supreme Court serve for life?

Yes, the only exceptions are when a judge steps down and when a judge is considered unfit by the majority of his/her peers to carry out their duties.

Federal judge term?

A judge can serve as a lifetime

How many cases does a federal judge try in a year?

The number of cases a federal judge tries in a year can vary widely depending on various factors such as the workload of a particular judge, the complexity of cases, and the jurisdiction they serve. On average, federal judges may handle anywhere from 100 to 400 cases per year. However, this number can fluctuate significantly among individual judges.

What is the term of office in the judicial branch of the US federal government?

The term of office for judges in the judicial branch of the US federal government is for life. This means that they serve until retirement, death, or if they are impeached and removed from office. There is no set term limit for federal judges.

Who is responsible for nominating individuals to be federal judges serve as ambassadors and work in federal department?


Who is responsible for nominating individuals to be federal judges serve as ambassador and work in federal department?


How do judges come to serve on special federal courts?

They are appointed by the President.

How many judges are on US court of federal claims?

There are sixteen judges on the US Court of Federal Claims. They serve 15-year terms of office.(16)