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There has been persecution found throughout history and the some of the earliest times that come to mind are the Egyptians back in 3000 B.C., they used people captured from other countries to help build their pyramids. Persecution is just one thing that has essentially always been around as far as we know in history.

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11y ago

Christianpersecutionsoccurredon and off from a persecution by emperor Nero following the fire in Rome of 64 AD, untilthe Edict of Toleration issued by emperor Galerius in 311 and the Edict of Milan signed by co-emperorsConstantineI and Licinius in 313 . Thesetwoedicts ended the last and biggest persecution ofChristians(the Great Persecution) unleashed by emperorDiocletianin 303, declaredChristianityatoleratedreligion and gave theChristiansfreedom of worship.

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7y ago

Since the very beginning of Christianity, i.e., since the days of Christ. Remember that Christ Himself was crucified. In those early days, many believers were killed, too.For the sake of completeness, please note that Christians have also been on the other side - i.e., persecuting people of other beliefs (including other branches of Christianity).

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7y ago

It is a characteristic of religion that members of a dominant religion will persecute the followers of a less dominant religion. Christians have been the victims of persecution and the perpetrators of persecution.

As described in the New Testament, the Jews no doubt persecuted early Christians when they were able, and the pagan Romans did also. During the first three centuries, the Roman rulers actually preferred to ignore the Christians, apart from brief periods of official persecution around 250 CE and in the Great Persecution of the early fourth century. From the time of Emperor Constantine onwards, the boot was on the other foot and the Christians, having imperial support and power, began the long and vicious persecution of the pagans. When there were no more pagans to persecute, the Christians persecuted each other for alleged heresy or doctrinal differences. They also invented 'witches' and began to persecute those accused of witchcraft, even as the so-called witches were Christians.

Islam is the dominant religion of the Middle East and North Africa. So, in one way or another, Christians were frequently subject to persecution or ill-treatment. Even when there have been periods of official toleration of Christianity, outbreaks of violence by mobs of Muslims have been a concern. The Hindus and Buddhists of India were to suffer the same fate when Islam reached the sub-continent.

Today, the most entrenched official persecution of Christians is to be found in North Korea, where all forms of religious worship are banned.

So, persecution of Christians began in its earliest days, although tradition has elaborated on the intensity and duration of the Roman persecutions.

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