has been in debt
A pro of third world debt relief is that it gives countries the chance to develop. A con is that the money could have been used in your own country.
the national debt was something used to create national debt
No. A federal debt is a debt that is owned to the federal government. A home mortgage is a debt that is owed to the lending agency, be it a bank, a mortgage company, etc.
Depends what you mean by large. The US has been in debt since day 1 due to Revolutionary War Debts owed to probably France. The only time it's been zero was during Andrew Jackson's presidency about 1835. First major surge in debt was the war of Northern Aggression (aka Civil War). Pretty much every war created huge surges in the Public debt, especially World War I, World War II, Cold War, War on Terrorism.
How long have you been in USA or How long you have been in USA.?
since 1903
Depends on which USA state where you live - Check Debt with Statute of Limitations; and http://www.bcsalliance.com/y_debt_sol.html
Yes, currently the USA is in debt and the debt is increasing daily.
Churchwood Finance has been in business since 2000. It is a debt specialist company, based in the United Kingdom, providing a service to reduce overall personal debt.
Offsett means it's been used to pay another debt. It isn't coming.
The Statute of Limitations (SOL) determines that. Each state in the USA has a set number of years that debt collectors can come after you for that. After that set time, the debt is considered legally noncollectable. A simple online search can let you know what your time frame is.
If the debt has been cancelled, no; if the debt has been charged off, yes.
Current maturities of long term debt means that portion of debt which is payable in current fiscal year.
The current portion of long-term debt is classified with the ____
NO. But the Current maturities of long-term debt is an operating liability.
How long before they take debt off of your report is 7 or 10 years.