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Q: How long is a roman republic tribunes term of office?
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How long did the roman republic rule for?

The Roman Republic lasted 482 years, from 509 BC to 27 BC.

How republic was a roman republic?

The Roman Republic was a republic fully because it was not ruled by a king or other aristocrats. This is the definition of a republic. That is all you need to be a republic. A republic can be a democracy, an oligarchy or a dictatorship, so long as it is not ruled by a king or other aristocrats.

How long was a dictator supposed to rule?

During the period of the Roman Republic the term of office of a dictator was six months. The dictatorships of Sulla and Caesar were exceptions. In the subsequent period of rule by emperors this office no longer existed

Why did the roman republic last for 500 years?

You could say that the Roman Republic lasted 482 years because Roman history lasted for a very long time: 1,200 years. The Republic was preceded by 244 years of monarchy and 503 years of rule by emperors. Another question could be why the Roman Republic came to an end.

How long did roman senators stay in office?

For life!

What were the main characters of the roman republic?

You have a double question here. If you mean what were the main characteristics of the Roman republic, they were the same as any other republic, that is, every citizen had a right to vote. If you mean who were the main characters of the Roman republic, there's a long list of them. Here are a few. Lucius Brutus, the Gracchi brothers, Marius and Sulla, Cicero, Julius Caesar, Octavian. There were many more in the long history of the republic, the above are just the most famous.

How long did Roman sentors stay in office?

For life unless they get expelled by someone

When was the roman republic formed and how long did it last?

c. 509 BC, and lasted over 450 years

Who were Roman leaders?

Until Augustus's reign (the Republic) the Senate ran the Empire, then it was a long line of Emperors.

What did the tribunes of the Roman Republic represent?

Tribunes had ability to Veto, or prohibit, and forbid in Latin, Roman language. It was their responsibilities to protect the plebeians, or common people, and it was their responsiblites to not make any silly rules. That's why the laws were written down on 12 bronze table because many office people made up the rules. They didn't wanted to punised with out knowing what they did wrong, so tribunes protected plebians.

How long did Rome exist as a replic?

The Roman Republic lasted for 482 years, from 509 B.C. to 27 B.C.

Approximently how long did the roman republic last?

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC when the Roman Monarchy was overthrown, and was itself overthrown in 27 BC as a result of the Civil War that followed the assasination of Julius Caesar. It was replaced by the Imperial government of Augustus Ceaser and his successors.