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There are not just 25 copies of the Declaration! However, there are only 25 known copies in existence but many were made. For instance 100 + of the broadsides were made just after the signing of the original Declaration and who knows how many other types of copies were made.

30 of 270 have been found

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13y ago
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13y ago

there was only one copy, but when printers were made they made an uncounted numbers of the Declaration of Independence so they may not lose it or it fade so much that they may not read it. i belive they keep the original at Washington D.C.

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15y ago

The Current Locations of the Twenty-five Dunlap Broadsides National Archives, Washington, DC

Library of Congress, Washington, DC (two copies)

Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Independence National Historic Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia (Broadside printed on Vellum) Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey New York Historical Society New York Public Library

Pierpont Morgan Library, New York

Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Chapin Library , Williams College, Williamstown, MA Yale University, New Haven, CT

American Independence Museum, Exeter, NH Maine Historical Society, Portland

Indiana University , Bloomington, IN Chicago ffistorical Society City of Dallas, City Hall

Washington, DC (private collector)

Norman Lear and David Hayden (now on tour throughout the United States)

Public Record Office, United Kingdom (two copies)* *Two copies were forwarded to England with correspondence from Vice Admiral Lord Richard Howe dated July 28 and August 11, 1776 executed abroad the flagship Eagle, off Staten Island. One of the letters was addressed to Lord George Germain. The Dunlap Broadsides were the official notices to England that the American Colonies had absolved all allegiance to the British Crown and the State of Great Britain. This Information was provided by Historical Document Reproduction, Inc.

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15y ago

The National Archives estimates there are 24 copies of the Declaration of Independence in the world today.

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6y ago

It is estimated that 200 copies were produced from the first printing. Only 26 are known to exist today.

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12y ago

I believe there were 200 originals distributed so they could be read by everyone. Out of the originals there have only 34 or 36 that have been found.

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14y ago

There was only one "original copy" (and it still exists)

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11y ago

There are about 50 because of of how many people wanted to read it

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Q: How many original copies of the US Constitution exist today?
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Which method of interpreting the Constitution original intent or living document do you think is more valid?

Since you are asking an opinion I will give you mine. I believe that looking at the constitution as a living document is more valid. When the constitution was written 200 years ago many things we have today didn't exist, so there is a need to be able to address the world as it is not as it was. The one thing that hasn't changed is the question about what makes good government. If we can answer this question we maybe able to create a better government for the common good.

How many copies of Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is only one page in length.

What are four amendments still pending before the state legislature today?

This is the complete list of the ratified and unratified amendments to the United States Constitution which received the approval of the United States Congress. Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution, the first ten of which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The procedure for amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V of the original text. There have been many other proposals for amendments to the United States Constitution introduced in Congress, but not submitted to the states.

How would the Constitution and the system of government it created have been different if they had been based on the New Jersey plan?

If the Constitution was based on the New Jersey plan, there would be a unicameral (one-house) Congress, not bicameral (two-house) like we have today. We would only have a Senate, and the House of Representatives would not exist.

How much was the constitution penned for?

$30 ($261.45 today)

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One I think. I saw it while in England. What surprised me about it is how small the writing was and how even it was spaced on the paper. It was amazing.Although there was only one original Magna Carta(or Great Charter) lots more where made as copies to reinforce the charter...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANSWER:There were many copies of the original Magna Carta made but four original handwritten copies were written in 1213 by Archbishop Langton proposed by the Barons on the Magna Carta but executed on 15 June 1215 at Runneymede .The four original copies exist in:1. In Salisbury Cathedral2.In Lincoln Cathedral3. Two copies exist in The British Library.

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No, there are no original autographs of Paul's letters in existence today. The earliest surviving copies that we have are from within a few centuries of when they were written. These copies have been carefully preserved and studied by scholars to reconstruct the original texts as accurately as possible.

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Yes the constitution is still around, today 2009 it is in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

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The original Declaration of independence still exist today. In which city could you find these documents?

The original Declaration is housed at the National Archives in Washington DC.

Where is the original copy of the constitution held today?

At The National Archives and Records Administration, on Constitution Ave, in Washington, DC. It is on display in The Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom - home of the Declaration of Independence,

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All I know is that the Bible has been a top bestseller for a long time, and is available in 2426 languages according to Wycliffe Bible Translators. Or did you mean how many copies of the ORIGINAL Bible are in existence? No complete copies of the original Bible are in existence, but many thousands of manuscript fragments are in existence, enough to ensure, by comparing them to each other, that the Bible we have today is quite accurate. By contrast, many ancient works that are accepted as being totally accurate today, have only ONE copy left to us now.

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It was not being chosen by the commons people.This is why today there is an electoral college.

Where was the magna carta kept?

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