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No fewer than two. There is, theoretically, no upper limit.

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Q: How many parties make up a coalition government?
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How many people does it take to form a majority government?

In a parliamentary democracy, a majority government is one in which the ruling party has a majority of the seats in parliament. In contrast, a coalition government is one in which two or more parties combine to have a majority of the seats, and thus form a government. A minority government is one in which no party or coalition has a majority of the seats, but the largest party forms a government anyway. Minority governments are very unstable, and generally do not last very long.

How many times has there been a coalition government in the UK?

There have only been three full coalition governments in the UK- two in the world wars and one in 2010

The Athenian government was divided into how many ruling parties?


The fact that government in the US is in many ways government through political party is?

because George washington was a strong supporter of political parties

How is ruling party and opposition party formed?

Parties are formed form groups of people with the same political goals coming together to try and achieve these common goals. In a democratic country there must be at least two parties but there may be many more. At an election, the parties put up their candidates for election and the people vote for the candidate they want to represent their views. Usually the party with the most elected candidates will form the party of government (the ruling party) and the rest form the opposition. However, in countries with more than one party, it may be that no one party wins a majority of seats and in this case, a group of parties come together to form a coalition government with the rest forming the opposition.

Related questions

Why have coalition government been necessary in Italy?

Many political parties exist,and no single party has been strong enough to gain control

Why does Ireland favor a coalition government?

It is not a case that Ireland favours a coalition government, but that the elections often result in them. There are a number of main political parties in Ireland, not just two as in many countries. The electoral system is a proportional representation system. As this is the case, it is hard for one party to get an overall majority in a general election. The result of that is that there are often coalition governments in Ireland.

A coalition of political parties can be strong or weak.?

coalition of political parties are always weak as people of different ideologies work there. Many a time the main party has to compromise just because for the benefit of some other smaller allies ,which halters the development.Moreover the allies themselves keep on fighting to retain their position in the government.

Is coalition government sustainable?

Several countries in Europe are proving the answer to this question is yes. In the spring and summer of 2012, a severe debt crisis in Greece led to split elections in which no single party had enough elected officials to seat a ruling majority. The Greek constitution then provides for several parties to form an official coalition and then the coalition seats a ruling majority. However, in this situation, the Greek political parties were unable to form a coalition due to deep differences in their policies and proposals relative to the debt crisis. After a second set of elections, a coalition government in Greece was formed. At the same time, many countries in Europe (including Germany and Ireland) have a similar ruling structure - several political parties can form a coalition to then function as a majority "super party" during the time between elections.

Coalition government is better or not?

It is better than no government. But many compromises will have to be made.

How many people does it take to form a majority government?

In a parliamentary democracy, a majority government is one in which the ruling party has a majority of the seats in parliament. In contrast, a coalition government is one in which two or more parties combine to have a majority of the seats, and thus form a government. A minority government is one in which no party or coalition has a majority of the seats, but the largest party forms a government anyway. Minority governments are very unstable, and generally do not last very long.

How many political parties does Australia have?

Australia has 13 political parties that either have a seat in the senate or a seat in the house of reps. The biggest party is the Coalition.

What parties make up government?

The Canadian Government is made of of many different policital parties. The current make up of the government inlcudes the Conservative party, the Libral party, the New Democratic party, and the Bloc Quebecouis party. There are many other registered parties in Canada such as the Green party, Comunist party and Marxist party. It is also possible to be elected as an independant.

What parties make up Canada's government?

The Canadian Government is made of of many different policital parties. The current make up of the government inlcudes the Conservative party, the Libral party, the New Democratic party, and the Bloc Quebecouis party. There are many other registered parties in Canada such as the Green party, Comunist party and Marxist party. It is also possible to be elected as an independant.

Are coalition government good for India?

Different coalition partners have different manifestos, which hamper the policyIdeological differences are there.Smaller parties try to capture more power without considering the rhythm of nation development.There is an ambiguity in transparency.Coalition government is unstable in nature.Parties try to get better portfolios for their candidates without considering qualification, character and criminal records, etc.Spectrum of ministers becomes wide which put pressure on government exchequer.

How many parties are there in the Algerian government?


How many parties does Italy have?

There's only 5 major parties represented in Parliament. However no one party has ever had the chance of gaining power alone and the parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.