The most consecutive U.S. Presidents to be elected more than once each is three. That happened twice, from 1800 to 1825 with Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe and from 1992 to 2016 with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
The list of incumbents that won reelection between 1945 and 1990 include Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan. The next to win reelection was Bill Clinton who served from 1993 until 2001.
From 1960 to date. Republicans have won sevenpresidential elections, in 1968,1972,1980.1984,1988,2000, and 2004 and there were five different Republican Presidents,Nixon,Ford,Reagan,Bush41 and Bush43. During that same period the Democrats won six times, in 1960,1964,1976,1992,1996, and 2008 and there were four different Democrat Presidents, Kennedy,Johnson,Clinton and Obama.
Uhh...actually, Reagan prolonged the life of it. Carter realized the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse so he was willing to wait them out. Reagan decided to outspend them and in doing so revitalized the USSR. They eventually collapsed, but if Carter had won reelection it would happened by 1983.
Use Communist China's official name in public (APEX)
Barack Obama won the presidential race, but I think that really, everyone won.
20 in a row
Both won reelection in the middle of a war.
how many games have the bengal won in a row 2013
SpongeBob has won "favorite Cartoon" Nine times in a row.
Only 15 or 42 US presidents have won at least two consecutive terms. This gives about 36%. About 70 percent of those who have served as president since 1825 (or 26 of 37 men) failed to win the election for two consecutive terms. This is either because they died, didn't run again, or lost their party or national election. In the US, of the 42 presidents before Obama, only 15 won reelection. 12 didn't run again (because of death, etc.), 18 lost in either their bid for party nomination or in a national election.
0 no teams won more then 10 games in a row that season
3 times in a row
Two. They won twice in a row in 1908 and 1907.
No, but many have won 2 in a row.