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This would take a simple majority in both Houses of Congress. 218 votes in the House and 51 votes in the Senate if all seats are filled and everybody votes. The VP could break a tie-vote in the Senate.

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Q: How many votes needed to pass a joint resolution of Congress?
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How many votes are necessary for the Illinois congress to over ride the governors veto?

60% of the vote is the standard 3/5 needed I Believe Senate has 59 members 36 votes would be needed House has 118 members 71 votes would be needed

Who counts the electoral votes and on what day?

The electoral votes are unsealed and counted under direction of the vice-president of the US acting as the president of the Senate at a joint session of the new Congress early in January following the election .

Who counts votes for the leadership in Congress?


What is the number needed in Congress in order to be veto proof?


When was a territory eligible for statehood?

Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution empowers the U.S. Congress to grant statehood. Congress is given the authority to determine the conditions for statehood except that new states cannot be created by merging or splitting existing states without the approval of both the U.S. Congress and the states' legislatures. Generally, a territory holds an election to determine the people's desire for statehood. If a majority desire statehood, then the territory proposes an enabling act to the US Congress for calling a constitutional convention. Congress then votes on the enabling act which lays out the the requirements that must be met as a prerequisite to statehood. The enabling act usually requires the prospective state to adopt a form of government and constitution that are in compliance with the U.S. Constitution. Once a constitutional convention has been held, and the requirements of the enabling act fulfilled, the territory then presents a resolution to the US Congress calling for statehood. Once both the House and Senate pass the resolution, it is sent to the US President for his signature. Once the President signs the joint resolution the territory is acknowledged as a U.S. state.

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Electoral votes are sent from each state capitol to this body?

Congress. Specifically the President of the Senate, usually the sitting Vice-President.The votes are then counted by a joint session of Congress on the first day of the first session in January (January 6) following the election.

Who was the only US Congressman to vote against entering World War 2?

December 8, 1941: The US Senate votes 82-0; the US House of Representatives votes 388-1. Montana Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin was the 'no' vote. The Joint Resolution was approved by Congress at 4:10 pm.

Who presides over the counting of the Electoral College ballots?

The votes are counted in a joint session of Congress led by the President of the Senate, who is the U.S. Vice President, on January 6th following an election. After the votes are counted and any objections have been dealt with, the Vice President announces the winners of the presidential and vice-presidential elections.

Where do each states electoral college votes go?

They are sent to the president of the Senate who in a joint session of Congress opens and counts them.

How many votes are necessary for the Illinois congress to over ride the governors veto?

60% of the vote is the standard 3/5 needed I Believe Senate has 59 members 36 votes would be needed House has 118 members 71 votes would be needed

Who is the procedure for counting electoral votes?

The procedure for counting electoral votes in the United States is outlined in the U.S. Constitution. The Vice President, as President of the Senate, presides over a joint session of Congress where the votes are counted. The electoral votes from each state are first presented alphabetically, and then the Vice President announces the results and declares the winner.

How many votes is needed from congress to overturn the president if he vetoes the bill?

To overturn the president's veto of a bill 2/3rds of the congress needs to approve.

What must all states adopt before they are granted statehood?

All states must adopt the a form of government and a constitution in accordance to the US constitution before they are granted statehood. A territory will hold a referendum and if the majority votes for statehood, the Congress will be petitioned. If the Congress passes a joint resolution to grant statehood, the president signs it and statehood is granted to the territory.

Who counts the electoral votes and on what day?

The electoral votes are unsealed and counted under direction of the vice-president of the US acting as the president of the Senate at a joint session of the new Congress early in January following the election .

Where are the votes of the electoral college counted at?

The counting occurs at a joint session of Congress in the capitol in Washington, DC.

Who votes for laws in congress-individual voters or their representatives?

Laws from Congress come from the votes of Representatives (On behalf of the People) and from the votes of the Senate (On behalf of the States).