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habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari

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Q: How many writ in Indian constitution?
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Wnat are the various types of writ in Indian constitution?

Indian constitution has stipulated 5 kinds of writs....Habeas corpus,certiorari,mandamus,prohibition and quo warranto

How many articles in the Indian Constitution have till date?

at present indian constitution has 444 articles

How many articles in Indian constitution till the date?

at present indian constitution has 444 articles

How many appendices in Indian constitution?

There are five appendices to Constitution of India.

How many articles are presently in the Indian constitution?

There are 395 Articles, 12 Schedules, and 83 Amendments in Indian constitution.

How many amendments in Indian constitution?

There are 94 amendments in the Indian Constitution as of 2009. Jai Hind

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What law abolishes Writ of Habeas Corpus?

i think its the constitution that abolished it.

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