About $2.00
I don't know but I need to know for a history report
In 1700 there were no stamps, and no post office. Messages were hand carried to people or posted .
The price was $.37 (thirty-seven cents). Check out http://www.usps.com/communications/news/stamps/2003/sr03_045.pdf for a picture of a commemorative stamp (Henry Mancini) released in 2003.
Scott Catalog #: 3468AValue is about 50 cents used and a dollar mint. Few dealers will be bothered with buying a single stamp.
It depends on the weight of the item but for an ordinary letter £0.36
how much did a postage stamp cost in 2016
Depending on the country your in, if in England use a second class stamp or a santa stamp from the postoffice.
It is worth the cost of the stamp.
There was no US Postal Service in 1850.
About $2.00
One stamp will cost 46 cents. A book of 20 stamps will cost $9.20. There was not information about a "pele stamp."
Depending on what country youare posting within, in 1850, stamps were 1 penny up to 10 cents. See the Link.
a stamp in Montana costs 44cents
my friend in Australia sent me a letter, on the stamp it said $2.05. hope this helps!!! -jemma-
It depends on where you are sending it from.