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The federal government wields so influence over the states. This is the agent which distributes resources and funds to the states in form of grants which means that it will directly influence whatever happens in the states.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes and no, State laws, rules, regulations as well as constitutional amendments can be ruled invalid at its inception (void ab initio) if they are found to be in violation of constitutional rights. Plus, states that receive federal funds for programs must comply with federal rules in their implementation.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: How much influence does the federal government wield over the states?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What will happen if power is not shared equally in government?

If power is not shared equally in government some branches will wield more power and influence than others, which results in imbalance that threatens stability

Does a constitution creates political institutions and allocates power within a government?

No a constitution form a frame work within which a government can wield power.

What is the name for a government that exerts a great deal power over the actions of the population but that does not interfere with their ideas and intimate lives?

There is no specific word for this kind of government. There is the term AUTHORITARIANISM which refers to any government that wields significant power over a population, but there is no requirement that an authoritarian government not interfere with citizens' ideas and intimate lives. However, authoritarian governments that do wield power over citizens' ideas and intimate lives are called totalitarian governments.

Why was the capital changed from New York to Philadelphia?

The Founding Fathers were concerned that if the Nation's Capital was located in one of the original states, that state would wield undue influence over the federal government, and have more power than other states. They envisioned a state harassing the federal government and interfering if they did not get their way in national matters. Therefore, they created the District of Columbia (D.C.) and made that the seat of the national government. It would not be a part of any individual state.

Five presidential powers?

The presidential powers state that the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed services and of state militias when they are called into federal service. The President may require opinions of the principal officers of the federal government. The president may grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment. The president may make treaties, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The President may, with the advice of the Senate, may appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not otherwise described in the Constitution.

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What will happen if power is not shared equally in government?

If power is not shared equally in government some branches will wield more power and influence than others, which results in imbalance that threatens stability

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she was such a big influence because she fought for freedom

Which of the following is often seen as a benefit of federalism?

it creates more opportunities for interest groups to wield influence

What judiciary is most important Federal or state?

They are both important, but the federal courts wield more power, as they can overrule a lower, state court's decision.

What is one major benefit countries get from joining intergovernmental organizations?

igos improve communication between their member countries.

Where did you find the political machines used mostly?

Political machines were commonly found in urban areas in the United States, such as New York City, Chicago, and Boston during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These machines used patronage and control of local government to wield power and influence over political and social affairs in these cities.

Does a constitution creates political institutions and allocates power within a government?

No a constitution form a frame work within which a government can wield power.

How do your use wield in a sentence?

He wielded a sword with great skill during the battle. She effortlessly wielded her influence to get the project approved. The chef deftly wielded a knife to chop the ingredients. The politician used his power to wield control over the legislation.

Can a Hunter Dual-Wield in sentence?

Yes a hunter can Dual-Wield.

How do you wield a fox on RuneScape?

You can't wield a fox on RuneScape... LOL never dude