money, food, military assistance, or other supplies given to help other countries
Subsidies to railroads
Answer this question… soft money.
it may not be given directly to political parties
No, of course not. On the contrary, they had to pay for permission to leave the country.
yes, you need to be given permission from the government
Clyde Livingston shoes worth alot of money
only if you have given them permission to do so, if they have taken money from your account and you are currently letting them do so, but its taken out more money or twice per agreement, then you need to notify them that there is something wrong, most likely a glitch on their part.
NBA player Greg Monroe made $4086454 in the 2013-2014 season.
Stealing money is taking someone else's money without permission and it is a well known crime.
pay money
The word "grant" can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a sum of money given for a specific purpose. As a verb, it means to give someone permission or provide something.